Chapter 1

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"Your changing Iris" My 11 year old sister Daisy tells me as I'm walking into my room.

"So is the rest of the world" I say closing my door

I can never tell them the truth. EVER.

 I sigh walking over to my vanity in the corner of my bedroom and I roll up my sleeve of my dress to clean my cut on my right arm. 

Shit it's getting infected....

I grab a cloth from the bathroom and start to clean it grinding my teeth.

oww oww oww.

"Open up Iris!" Daisy calls from the other side of the door.

Maybe if I ignore her she will go away? Oh well if she finds out.. I could make up a lie.. But then she would be the only one I trust with this secret...

No such luck Daisy walks in. She looks around then her eyes land on my cut. It's a long cut from my wrist to my elbow really deep too. Almost to the muscle.

'What the heck did you do?" She half whispers. She walks in closing the door behind her.

"I... Cut it when I was walking in the forest" I lie I'm such a bad liar

"Uh huh sure" She says walking closer taking a long look at it. "If I have to guess it came from a knife. Not a kitchen knife but a dagger" 

Why is she so smart?

"Do you really want the truth?" I ask narrowing my eyes at her.

"I have since I caught that knife in your hand when I was 9" She says with a smile.

"Damn I forgot about that" I say with a smile of my own. "Ok.. So the truth.. I'm part of the Night Stalkers" 

"Wait.. Like the Night Stalkers from like 100 years ago?" Daisy says. I can see the gears turning in her head.

"Ya.. They never disassembled" I tell her. "They were always around"

"Huh. When I first saw the knife my first thought was Serial killer" She says laughing.

"I mean you were close enough" I note " I do kill people.."

"Well I'm sure there's a reason" Daisy says.

"Ya there is." I say getting up and walk to the corner of my room and lift up the floor panel inside is a huge hole filled with my assassin black clothes, knives, guns and medical stuff. I grab the medical kit then put the floor panel back on. 

I walk back to the vanity and put disinfect on it.

"Good enough" I mutter

"No Iris it's not! If you do that it will never heal!" Daisy complains grabbing my arm and grabbing stitches.

"What are you doing?"

"Stitching it up so it heals" She says threading the needle.

"How do you know what your doing?" I ask

"I just do" She says starting to stitch it up. I hiss in pain.

"ow ow ow" I complain.

"Oh shut up if you can do what ever you do on your secret missions you can handle stitches" after about 20 minutes shes done.

"How did you do that?" I ask running my finger down the stitches. " You barely left a mark." 

"Magic" She sasses. I roll my eyes closing the medical kit putting back in its place under the floor boards. "So The Night Stalkers? And how did the princess get into them?" 

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