Chapter 5

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We head into the training room to see 6 kids waiting 2 girls 4 boys.

"Hello" I say brightly pulling my hood up higher.

"Go back from where you came from maid" one boy snaps. He's about 15.

"Excuse me? I'm your trainer" I say sharply.

"Ha and I'm the best assassin there is" he snaps.

I look at  Kacey she's smiling she pulls her knife out and puts it to the  boys throat. "We are your trainers listen to us" she hisses. That's when Erik walks in.

"Do we have a problem here?" He asks with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes! The maids are threatening me!" He cry's.

"Maids?" Erik points to us. "Those are our best assassins!"

"Them??" His mouth falls open.

"Yup" Erik says with an eye roll." Listen to them"

"Why? How can girls be the best?! Boys are born better! What's a Queen without her King?" He yells.

"Well historically better " I snap.

"Ya says who?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Me" I say. "Now listen up or you won't be able to join the Night Stalkers, Everyone grab a gun!"

"No" he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"How can we trust you when you won't tell us your name or show your face?" He says. I pull my hood down all 6 kids jaws drop.

"Now do we have any problems?" I ask.

"P-princess?" The boy stammers shocked.

"Yes now listen" I snap.

They all tell me their names the boy who thought I was a maid's name is Issac. All of a sudden Daisy walks in.

"Daisy? Your here?" I ask.

"Another Princess" Isaac groans.

"Yes!" I snap.

"Erik told me to join" she says walking over grabing a gun and assembling it with ease.

"Good job" I say smiling at the shocked look on Issacs face.

"Did.. she just... what??" He asks.

"Yup" Kacey says popping the P.

"Ok now we will be shooting" I load my gun and shoot. I got the center of the target. "One at a time, Issac first"

He shoots barely hitting it. "Good try" I say. "Daisy"

She shoots hitting just outside the center. "Excellent!" I say. She smiles. The rest of the kids go we get to the last girl she's about 13 her names Annika. Her and Daisy got the closest. "Great job girls!"

"Thanks" Annika says tucking her brownish blond  hair behind her ear.  Annika has Brownish blond hair freckles and glasses.

"Alright break" I say walking over to Kacey. " they did well. Still don't like Isaac though.

"Same" Kacey says looking over. She frowns I follow her gaze and we watch Isaac talking to Daisy but she doesn't look happy. I walk over with Kacey at my tail and we hear the conversation. Sort off.

"Why are you here? Princess? What do we need to do bow down? Make way for princess Daisy!" He roles his eyes.

"No I except you to treat me like an equal" Daisy says.

"Why? Your mother doesn't? Why should I?"

"Because she's not her mother" Annika says walking forward.

"Oh looks like princess has a bodyguard" Issac mocks.

"I'm no one's bodyguard" Annika says punching him straight in the gut. Issac doubles over in pain. Kacey and I double over in laughter. After about 5 minutes the laughing stops. I contain myself and walk over.

"Good job Annika" I say patting her back.

" Good job? She punched me!" Issac groans.

"You were being a pain in the rear" I say rolling my eyes. "Annika defended herself and Daisy. I told you to respect each other. You didn't. Final warning" I say walking away. "By the way you have 5 minutes left of break" 

Issac groans. "Seriously?" 

"Yep" You spent most of your break starting fights" I say. grabing a 5 knives and throwing them all 5 hit the center of the target.

"Can I try?" Annika asks grabing a knife.

"Of course!" I say she is about to throw it when I stop her. "Wait, You need to hold it different. When you do it will be easer to control."

"Alright teach me" Annika says. I show her the technique she throws the knife and hits the center. Her face lights up.

"Great work!" I say with a smile. Thats when Erik walks in.

"Iris new recruits need a room. Kids follow me!" He says. All of the kids follow he leads us to the end of the hall beside Kacey and my room. "Alright Daisy and.... you" he points to Annika "will room together in this room." He opens a door right beside Kacey and my room. "And you two" he points to 2 other girls. "Room there" he opens the door beside Daisy and Annika room. "Finally the 3 boys will share here" he opens the door on the other side of Daisy and Annika.

Everyone walks into their bedrooms. Kacey and I walk into ours I hop on my bed pull out my notebook and write and hum.

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