Chapter 2

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"Iris!" Our Servant Amara calls.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Supper time."

"Alright thank you Ill collect Daisy" I tell her.


So I walk to Daisy's room which is across the hall from mine.

"Knock knock knock! Supper time!" I holler through the door.

"Coming!" She yells back opening the door.

"Love your dress" i tell her as we walk to supper. It's a yellow dress about knee length kinda poofy.

We walk down the spiral stairs and sit in our spots. Dad at the head of the table Mom at the foot.

"Hello girls" Our fathers deep voice booms.

"Hello father!" We say in unison. Sitting down in our proper spots. Dad at the head of the table mom at the end I'm beside Rosie and across from Daisy.

"Where's mother?" Daisy asks

"Right here!" She calls from the stairs she is holding Rosie.

Damn I was hoping she would skip

I fake a smile. "Hello mother so good to see you"

"You to Iris." My mother says coldly. If anybody else heard it they would think she meant it but me, Daisy and dad know.

Thankfully Amara brings out the food so I don't have to answer. She brings out 4 plates of pork, peas, mashed potatoes and salad. On the fourth plate are just potatoes and peas. We eat in silence until somebody had to talk....

"Iris have you picked a husband yet?" my mother asks. Me and Daisy both spit out our drinks.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask cleaning my mouth with a napkin.

'Have. You. Picked. A. Husband?" My mother says again.

"No I haven't."

"Why not?"My mother practically yells.

"Because no one told me I had to?!" I snap back.

"Well you better find one in the next week or you will have to pick one at the ball!" My mother is yelling now.


"Why not!"

"Because maybe I want to be the first ruler to not marry?!" I'm also yelling now.

"Iris! you will not address me like that!" My mother yells.

"I will address you however I want to!"

"I will not have my daughter grow up to be a-" She never finishes.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you" I warn her walking away. I storm up the stairs into my bedroom shortly after Daisy enters.

"Ya know you don't have to always come for me. I'm a big girl" I tell her as she sits on the bed with me.

"I know I don't have to I want to" She answers.

"I love you Daisy."

"I love you too Iris. Do you really not want to get married?" She reply's.

"honestly I have put no thought in it"

"Why? Out with the NS?"

"Sort off"

"Your so weird" She shakes her head

"How so?"

"Your part of a evil rebellion thing when most teenage girls have a secret boyfriend"

"I guess that's true.."

"I'm not a normal teenage girl"

"That I can believe" We laugh.

"None of us are normal" I say.

"That's also true." We share another laugh." We also laugh at the stupidest things ever"

"That's why we get along so well" Daisy says.

"Because we laugh at the stupidest things?"

Daisy thinks about it for a while. "I guess" She shrugs.

"Well I can't talk long I have to get to the forest." I say.

"Alright" She nods. I walk over to the lose floor board and attempt to pull the board off with my bad arm.

"Ow" I mumble quietly Daisy probably never heard but somehow she did.

"I'll do it" She walks over and pulls the board up and places it beside her. I reach into the hole and grab my black leggings, black shirt, black thin hoodie with a hood and finally a leather jacket. I grab my boots that are about knee length with pockets.

I slowly take off my dress and put the outfit on. I grab the knife and gun out of the hole and slip the gun into the belt loop and knife in my pocket.

"Daisy..." I start.

"Got it" She grabs my brush off the vanity and takes my hair out of the bun and starts to brush the tangles out. "When do you leave?"

"Around 10" I reply.

"Got it. 10 pm"

"What about you? When do you leave for what-ever-the-heck-you-do?"

"10 as well." She says.

"You ever going to tell what you do?" I ask

"Eventually. Maybe when your married" she says.

"You realize that could be never" I tell her.

She smiles a evil smile. "That's the point. Ok back to our current dilemma. You really do need to pick a husband soon
" she says

"I guess. I mean I'm the princess if I needed a husband- which I do boys would be lining up around the block."

"I guess that's true. Have a boy in mind?" She asks with a smile.

"Nope I'm kinda busy killing people and saving the world.."

"The world? Your saving the world? Tad dramatic I say" Daisy notes.

"Well I guess." I say.

"You better get some sleep before tonight" Daisy tells me.

"Ok night Daisy you need to get some sleep  too"

She nods walking out the door.

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