Chapter 7

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I'm in the forest before 10. I decide against going straight to the hideout. I turn my rout and head deeper into the forest hopping over logs and rocks. I smile. This is were I belong. Not in a castle surrounded by servants. I belong in the forest with the trees and animals. 

I hear a noise I pull my hood up and turn. I look around but see nothing. I walk away slowly making sure I'm alone. Then I hear a twig snap. I pull my knife out and turn. I see the tip of a boot from behind a tree I throw the knife not thinking. The person yelps jumping away from the tree. I walk over. Its Daisy.

"The heck Daisy? Why did you follow me?" I ask mad.

"To see where you were going. Mom is getting suspicious. You have to come back. Mom wants you to get ready for the ball." She says fast.

"Ugh I forgot about that." I groan. "Come on lets go"

We walk back to the castle when we get back I change into my purple dress and sit on the bed with a notebook pretending I was there the whole time. At 11 Mom storms in.

"Iris you have to get ready for the ball tonight.  Ill send Amara in to help." She says from the doorway.

"No thank you mother. I would much rather have Kacey and Daisy help." I say with a sweet innocent smile. 

"Alright. Ill get them." She says walking away.  After a few minutes the girls walk in they close the door then come rushing over to the bed.

"I can't believe Mom is making go through with this!" Daisy says sitting on the bed.

"I can" I mumble

"Well we will make you look beautiful. We'll make the boys jaws drop." Kacey says with a playful hair flip.

"So I'm not beautiful now?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean I'm beautiful enough for the 3 of us" She says with a big smile.

"Alright make me pretty" I say holding my arms out. They drag me over to the vanity and Kacey starts my makeup.

"So natural or crazy?" She asks looking through my makeup.

"Well I want to look like me. So maybe some darker makeup?" I say thinking.

"Dark smoky makeup!" Daisy yells from my closet. "What color dress should we do?"

"Umm... We could do white, purple, black, pink anything works!" Kacey class over her shoulder. "Ok close your eyes."

I do as I'm told. Kacey applies the makeup to my face as her and Daisy talk. 

"Almost done?" I ask 

"No now be quiet." She orders. I shut my mouth. "Ok open your eyes"

I open my eyes. She adds. mascara and eyeliner.

"I found a dress!" Daisy yells walking over with a black ground length dress with a black gauze sleeve/cape.

My eyes widen. "  Th-that's Grandmas dress." I stutter.

"Omg it is." Daisy gasps. "You'll look beautiful in it."

"Are you sure? I don't want to wear Grandmas dress. Its hers." I exclaim.

"I'm sure she would have loved to see you in her dress" Kacey says adding blush.

"I guess.." I say.

"Alright now lipstick." Kacey adds light pink lipstick. "Now for the dress!"

I slowly take off the purple dress and put on my garter belt then grab my  2 knives and slide them into place  finally I put  Grandma's black dress. Then walk towards the mirror. 

"You look beautiful!" Daisy gasps. 

"thanks" I smile. "Daisy could you do my hair in a bun again?" I ask.

"It would be my pleasure!" She agrees walking over. She grabs my air brush and puts my hair in another loosish bun at the base of my neck.

"Girls will you be at the dance?" I ask trying to keep the hope out of my voice.

"We will if you want us to" Daisy says.

"I do want you to. Please come" I beg.

"Alright I'll see what I can do." Daisy says. "I'll ask mom." She walks out.

she comes back with a big smile. "Mom said yes."

"Yes!" I yell happily. "You two get ready I'll be here. The girls walk out while I sit on my bed. My finger tracing the bump my knives make on my thigh when I sit down.


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The outfit more or less. Pretend the knives aren't shiny. They are just black hilt silver blade.

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