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<POV: ???>
<Location: EVO Admin Portal, Main Hub>

I was standing near the portal in the garden. It would lead to the Evo sever. I sighed, " I've got to go now."
"We don't want you too." The twin aliens cried.
"Don't worry I'll only be gone for a week this time."
"Dad? What if you don't come back?" The green and purple one asked.
"I promise I will." I said smiling softly. "And you will be fine. You and Exavier always have each other Xisuma."
They both pouted for a minute and I comforted them.
"I have to go now." I said sadly not wanting to leave them.
"Ok..." they both agreed reluctantly.

I waved goodbye and stepped into the green portal. They reluctantly waved back.

<POV: 3rd Person>
<Location: EVO Admin Portal, Main Hub>
<1 Week Later>

Xisuma and Exavier stood by the portal waiting. They were waiting for their father. He would be coming out soon.

A hour passed...
Then another...
Then another...

Exavier and Xisuma were crying. 'He would never be this late. Why is he late?' They both thought.

After 8 hours...

"He-he's not coming" Xisuma said crying.
"No!" Exavier yelled desperately. "He has to be! He has to!"
"Come on..." Xisuma said trying to drag Exavier away from the portal.
"No. No no no!" Exavier cried breaking free from Xisuma's grasp. He ran to the portal.
"Ex! Don't!" Xisuma tried to warn his brother.
Exavier shrieked in pain when he touched the portal. Xisuma rushed to his side grabbing Exavier's hands. Blisters had started forming from where he had touched the portal burning himself.

Xisuma picked his brother up off of where he had fallen. Still both crying they went home.

The next morning...

Xisuma had turned the news on to see if there was any news of their father. Exavier was still sleeping, so he kept the volume low.

"Breaking News.
The Famous Evolution server, or Evo, has been attacked.
There are no specifics yet.
All we know is that there is one survivor and that they were very injured.
We are currently waiting on a name."

A assistance handed the news person a piece of paper.

"The survivor's name is"
Xisuma stared at the screen hoping and dreading the answer.
"Pearl Moon.
We will have more information in a bit so stick around."

Xisuma sobbed. Their dad was gone. The Great Admin of Evo gone. Their mentor and adopted father.
The great Xelqua, gone.

Credits in the description!

What Is Hidden From View (AU) (Watcher/Admin Grian)Where stories live. Discover now