Chapter VII

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Chapter 7

<POV: 3rd person>
<Location: X's starter base>
<A day after chapter 3>

X grinned looking at the cards in his hand.
It was a crazy assortment of cards, ranging from uno cards to charade cards.
He had 5 cards left and as long as nothing went wrong he would win the game.
Exavier groaned as he drew a card. There was a moment when nothing happened but EX looked resigned about what was about to happen.
Then there was a pop.
Keralis, who had happened to be sitting next to EX, burst out laughing.

Where Exavier had been sitting there was a grumpy looking red and white chinchilla.
Xisuma snickered knowing his brother despised small cute animals in general.
The angry chinchilla made a squeaking noise and Keralis, who was still laughing, got the meaning and took his turn and drew his card.
Keralis' eyes got even wider than normal. "Come on!"
Keralis slapped the card down angrily.
It was a discard 5 cards.
This set Keralis back to only 3 cards.

Xisuma grinned even more.
Sucking in his breath he drew his card.
It was a regular 5 of diamonds.
"Ha ha!" X said slamming down his cards.
He had exactly 20.
Exactly what he needed to win the game.
"You always win." A now more or less human EX grumbled.
Keralis laughed. "You know this is only the third time you guys had me for game night and you do seem to win every single time X."
"I'm just really lucky."
"Yeah yeah." EX said slumping into his chair.

"Well I had better get back to my base." Keralis said. "It's getting late."
"Ok bye Keralis."
"Bye Shaswami and EX (said Eek (little nickname for EX))."
Keralis waved to them and left.

"Well I'm going to bed now." Exavier huffed and got up from the table.
"Ok." X said. "Good night."
EX huffed again as he walked to his room.
Before he shut the door he yelled at X. "Make sure you go to bed too!"
Xisuma rolled his eyes before collecting all of the cards for the game. He shuffled them together and put them in the tin box made for them.
He sighed as he put the box in the cupboard in the hallway where all the games are stored.
He was always a little tired after game nights with EX but he didn't like sleeping it always took away time from doing important stuff like making sure the server was ok and all.
But he had to sleep sometime so X decided that he could take a 5hour nap quick.
He padded through the hallway making sure to be quiet in case his brother was already asleep.
He quietly pushed open his door and slipped inside.
Closing the door he went to his bathroom and quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth.
Soon he was flopped on his bed passed out from exhaustion.


short and sweet
A chaotic card game

Not something you see everyday.

Also Lexi wanted me to make the full card game but I am not doing that
Instead I'll give you a basic summary

Different game cards
Goal is to get 20 cards
Charade cards turn you into the animal on the card
Uno, regular, skipbo, and numbered cards don't do anything
Wild's randomly take or add cards
The deck is slightly magical and may or may not be partial to certain players
Near half the deck is add or subtract cards from your hand

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