Chapter IV

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Chapter 4

<POV: Exavier>
<Location: Admin training center>
<A Day After Chapter 2>

Xisuma and I were sitting in another waiting area.
This was a day after we got into the admin program.
We had stayed in a temporary room for us till we moved in with the other students.
We were late in entering for the program.
Really late.
We might not get a mentor.
Then we would have to wait another year.
Then that means we would be sent back home.
I started tapping my feet nervously.
If we were sent back home...
I don't know what will happen.
We will most likely be punished.
Or beaten to death.

I leaned towards X.
We had to get a mentor.
We just had to.
I am on the verge of tears now.
My breathing slightly heavier than it was before I started thinking.

Don't think.
Just sit.

I sat there keeping a mask on emotions as to not worry X.
Breathing in and out.
I calmed down.
Then the lady from yesterday came in.

"Follow me." She said in her monotone voice.
She led us through a door into a corridor.
At the end of the corridor was a glass door.
The scene behind it was a garden with a few admins strolling through it.
She led us in to the courtyard garden.

There were four people in the area besides me, X, and the lady.
There were two sets.
A admin mentor and his student doing some magic.
And two admins chatting.
One of the two that were chatting caught my attention.
She was an avian. She looked about 14 with cyan-teal-mint wings, hazelnut hair, and coffee black eyes that seemed to see right into my soul when she looked at me.
What was surprising is that it wasn't her appearance that caught my attention, even though avians are rare, was her aura.
I could tell X didn't feel it.
And neither did anyone else apparently.

I felt a light tap.
I looked around breaking eye contact with her.
No one was near me.
X and the lady were on the other side of the garden courtyard already.
I race to catch up to them and X gives me a quizzical look.
I just shrugged.

Then I felt it again.
A light whisper in my mind.

Hello little one.

I nearly jump out of my skin.
I look around.
Luckily X didn't notice.
We continue through the garden.

Ah no need to worry. I am only here to ensure what needs to happen.
You will get a mentor.
You and your brother will be safe.
But there will be a different pain ahead.
Not physical but mental.

I- I would do anything to help us.
I think back at the voice.


The presence left my mind after it said that.

I looked at the courtyard again as we left.
The mentor and student had left.
The two people were still chatting.
But instead of looking at the person she was talking to the avian was looking at me.
She was smiling.

She knew what happened.
She was the voice.

At that moment I knew she wasn't just an avian admin. She was much more.



What's up?

I am putting all of 1's titles and names in a post on my channel.

I might do a book about her after a few more but idk yet.

What Is Hidden From View (AU) (Watcher/Admin Grian)Where stories live. Discover now