Chapter X

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Chapter 10

<POV: 3rd person>
<Location: Unknown>
<3 years before Season 6 (soon after chapter 9)>

Xelqua groaned.
He had to drink a shapeshifter potion and they are disgusting. (No you have to drink it. It can't be a splash potion.)
Xelqua plugged his nose and hurriedly chugged it down.
He gagged.
Zaeon laughed. "It was your idea."

They had managed to escape the watchers and hide in a secret pocket in the void.
The watchers would most likely find out in less than a day and start sending out search parties for them to make sure they didn't escape.

Xelqua gagged again and started shrinking.
Soon Xelqua didn't look like how he had a few moments earlier. Instead of being tall with purple eyes, purple hair, pale skin, and dark purple watcher wings he was a short cute 15 year old with dark skin, raven black hair, and piercing pure black eyes.
"Aw so cute!" Zaeon said grinning.
"Shut up." Xelqua gritted through his teeth.
Zaeon snickered. "Fine. Now remember-"
Xelqua interrupted him. "I have one hour I know. I came up with the plan."
"Ok then hurry up." Zaeon huffed. "I'm going to make sure the other don't kill each other."
Xelqua rolled his eyes and teleported away.

Xelqua appeared in an alley way.
He froze and made sure no one was around.
There wasn't.
He let out a breath.
Xelqua walked out of the alley.
He was in a city he recognized all too well.
Even though he had just gotten all his memories back only a few days earlier it was like they had never left, all of them were pristine and clear as if it had just happened.
Joyful memories turned sad flooded him.
His family.
His friends.
His parental figures.
Him trying to be the best father.
Him teaching.

Xelqua's breath caught.
'I am here for a mission. I can't go back to the way it was. I can never go back to that and endanger them even more.' He convinced himself.
Xelqua collected himself after a moment then walked toward the huge building near the center of the city.
He let out nervous breath.
People walked past him entering and exiting the Admin HQ.
He spun on his heal to his right and went to the back side of the building.
He walked around the deserted area behind the building.
Then Xelqua spotted something.
"Ah there it is." He said to no one.
He pushed in a brick of the wall.
A small door opened.
Xelqua grinned at the opening of his old secret passageway.

He walked into the small way in.
It was exactly how he remembered it.
It was musty as if nothing had entered in years.
Xelqua chuckled to himself looking at the walls wistfully.
As he walked farther it got darker and he navigated by memory.
After a few minutes of walking his hand touched a wall in front of him.
His hand reached for a lever to his left that he knew was there.
He pulled it and a door opened to an old corridor that was rarely used.
He made sure the door closed after he exited the tunnel before running off to where he knew the Primes were.

On the way to the Primes he only ran into one level 5 admin and they paid him no mind.
Eventually Xelqua reached a highly decorated hallway.
He stopped and thought about how to present himself to his old teachers.
Then he decided that he should just present himself as what he was. A runaway watcher. Something that had never been seen before.
He took a breath then knocked.

What Is Hidden From View (AU) (Watcher/Admin Grian)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora