NOTE: From Author!!

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1. Grian is a admin and a watcher
2. Grian should be very dead but isn't
3. Before joining hermitcarft his name was Xelqua he changed it
4. X and Ex are Xelqua's (Grian's) children because of adoption
5. Watchers bad

6. Sooo Xelqua was a hero and he killed many watchers but during an attack on his server he was supposedly killed but the watchers just kidnapped him to experiment on him but once they were done with him they planed on turning him into a watcher which is supposed to kill admins but he survived somehow and the watchers whipped his memory or tried to and he escaped.
(All of the LORE!)

7. Pearl is alive cause otherwise I would have to explain to X and Ex how their father's dead friend is on their server.

8. X and Ex co own Hermitcraft
9. Ex isn't evil he just role play and the hermits know this

10. X and Ex both had different ways of responding to losing Xelqua. X was/is sad but covers it up. Ex on the other hand got mad at the world and that's why he is always mad

11. No one knows Xelqua is alive
12. X looks up to Xelqua still and attacks most watchers he sees (he knows there are a few good ones out there called runaways)
13. Ex does have a darker side to him when he gets really mad

14. The admin hub is where admins are trained and where meetings happen
15. The high admins don't know there is a unlisted admin
16. Grian forged a fake past so he looks like a normal guy that is really good at building
17. X invited Grian to Hermitcraft because some hermits wanted a new person in Hermitcraft and he seemed like a good candidate

18. X and Ex both finished admin school and lived in the Minecraftia hub for a few years before creating hermit craft

19. Idk if there will be a crossover between the hermits and empires but if there is I have to make a really good excuse to pearl why her dead friends are alive

20. The listeners are better than the watchers but not by much

And that concludes this Note from the Author!!! Enjoy the book!!

And RiverFoxcraft if you read this:
Thank you so much for the idea of this and I can't wait to see what it becomes!!

(lol this is longer than most of chapters in my other book)

What Is Hidden From View (AU) (Watcher/Admin Grian)Where stories live. Discover now