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# this chapter contains discussion and mention of disorder. If it troubles you then  please avoid reading this chapter#

†damon blackwood †
13 years before..

In the bustling room, my senses were on high alert, a constant taunting, assaulting my mind.

The overlapping conversations, the glaring lights, and the scratchy texture of my clothing created a disorienting symphony that only I seemed to hear.

I retreated to the quiet corner, seeking refuge from the overwhelming chaos.

Fingers absently traced the grooves of a dove feather, a small anchor in this sea of sensory overload.

The feather's softness reassured me, a tangible connection to a world that often felt like an inscrutable puzzle.

Social interactions were intricate dances, steps I struggled to follow.

The subtleties of facial expressions, the cadence of speech, all formed a language I found elusive.

Each conversation resembled navigating a maze, an unpredictable journey through uncharted territory.

Yet, within this labyrinth, my mind found solace in patterns and routines.

The dove feather, with its predictable texture and weight, became a reassuring constant amidst the unpredictable landscape of social intricacies.

The external world might be overwhelming, but within my own rituals and patterns, I discovered a sanctuary.

The dove feather, my silent companion, became a bridge between the turbulent external reality and the intricate tapestry of my neurodegenerative mind.

Fingers slowly grazing the soft thing which brought comfort to my tangled mind.

The carousal, I was forced to come along by parents was held in this stupidly designed castle.

In the past 70s, this castle was build on a graveyard.

The only graves were here of people with no family or anyone to check up on them.

Looking back at this castle's history, a man with obsession for his lover build this for her.

He thought that he can keep his lover locked up and safe here but in the end the girl committed suicide but jumping off from the roof.

Her body was found in many splattered pieces after two days.

The man ended up burying a bullet in his heart too and died alongside his lover.

Flicker opening of a bright light in the hallway made me squeeze my eyes shut in discomfort.

My fingers pinched the bridge of my nose and I leaned on the wall.

"Damon blackwood!! You stupid boy!!"

Piercing voice of my father and loud steps of my mother made my hands go to my ear and I let out a hiss in discomfort.

"Shut up!!!"
I hissed out and pushed myself under the pillar shade.

"The nerves of yours to leave such an important democracy meeting all of a sudden"

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