chapter 1 the accident

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Life has been going well for us. My brother Eric and I had lived in gross point woods now for 3 years after our parents had passed away leaving us there house. It was honestly a deathtrap that should've been condemned but it was in a nice area and I was too busy with work to worry about it. I had a great job as a quality control inspector for bmw and my brother Eric had the same line of work working for Buick. My brother Eric and I had also gotten much closer since our parents death. We hardly ever even argued about anything. It was a warm summer evening and we were leaving our house and going to get dinner at a local Italian restaurant we loved. "ready to go man?" I asked "yeah I'm ready I'm absolutely starving" Eric said with a smile. We locked up the house then climbed into my Acura cl and after getting strapped in I began driving. I loved the area we lived in it was a very old city and was very cozy. Grosse point was a lovely area and we loved it here. We couldn't have been happier "hopefully the restaurant isn't too busy tonight" I said "well it's Sunday night I'm sure it'll be packed" Eric said. "Oh and I'm having Tom and Robbie meet us there as well is that ok?" Eric asked turning to me. Tom and Robbie had been out friends since childhood and we always went out with them everywhere. "Yeah that's fine with me" I said as we stopped at a traffic light. We were on morross road just about to cross 94. Traffic was horrible as usual. It always was at the grosse point Detroit border. The light turned green and I began to go. "BRO WATCH OUT FOR THE TRUCK!" Eric screamed. I turned my head just in time to see a semi barreling straight for us from the off ramp. And that's all I remember before everything went black

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