chapter 8 the move

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I woke up as sunlight pierced through the curtains. I looked through the clock and it was about 9 am on Sunday morning. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I noticed shadow wasn't anywhere to be seen. Then I saw a note on the kitchen counter 'got a ride back to my place see you dudes around' he had already left. I went to the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on and sat down at the table. Auckland came in and joined me. "Morning brother. Last night was fun yeah?" I said "yeah definitely was nice.... Shadow leave already?" "Yeah he did" I said as I poured my coffee. Just then we heard a knock at the door. Kinda surprised someone was here so early I set my coffee down and headed to the front door. I looked outside and it was Richard. I quickly opened the door "hey Richard come on in" I said opening the door for him as he stepped "well thank you ". "so what brings you by ?" I asked. Richard sat down on our couch and we joined him. I poured him some coffee as well "well I've got some great new for you guys. Over the years of my life I've worked my ass off but finally. In conjunction with the United States government I've established a new safehhaven city for anthros just like you and I. And I want to move you guys there" he said. I was stunned by this "wait so a whole city for people like us?" I asked. "Yep as well as everyone you saw at the party the other night. It would be a fresh start for you guys. But on the plus side you will finally have a place where you can be yourselves and not really have to hide in the shadows anymore" Richard said. This sounded like a dream. Honestly I couldn't believe it. But it sounded like a great opportunity "well heck yeah that sounds amazing.... When can we go?" Auckland asked "well the town is a WIP but temporarily ill have you guys move into a new mobile home. You can go by next week if you start packing. I'll help you guys as well as help you get there since I'm moving there myself and this town isn't even on a map yet" Richard said. "Well sounds like a plan to me...but I'll have to let my work know I'm quitting and get some stuff straightened out here" I said "well that sounds good and if you need any help with anything I'll be here for you " Richard said . Richard left shortly after that. I turned to Auckland "well this is definitely a huge opportunity for us. Just think about it bro a place where we can really fit in" I said very excited. "Yeah no shit it's definitely a dream come true" he said. That afternoon I emailed HR to let them know I was putting in my 2 week notice. Although I wasn't going to bother showing up for the last 2 weeks. I needed to start packing and I was too excited to wait. The next day Monday Auckland and I got up early and after having some coffee and breakfast we got some boxes and began going through everything. By the end of the week we had everything packed up and ready to go. Saturday morning Richard showed up at 5 am with a box truck and we began loading it. By 8 am we had everything loaded up. Richard shut the door on the box truck "well that's everything" I said. "Just let me take one last look around the house real quick " I said as I stepped back inside the house. Auckland joined me. We took a last look around the house to make sure we didn't forget anything and to sort of just remember all the good times.... and the bad ones. After locking up the house we got in our cars and began to follow Richard. Well this is it I thought a whole new chapter is in the works now. Now I'll be honest I didn't know where exactly we were going because Richard was right the town wasn't on a map. All I knew was it was somewhat in north Dakota which was at least a 19 hour drive from here. I knew it was going to be a long haul. We stopped a few times for food and gas before we came through Chicago. Our route took us through the heart of the city and traffic was terrible. Chicago was a horrible city. Abysmal to look at and even to be near. I sure hoped our final destination was a lot nicer than this. Eventually once we got through it it was mostly smooth sailing. Over the next 2 days we stopped a few times here and there. Monday afternoon we found ourselves driving down a deserted road in the middle of nowhere in north Dakota. It was nothing but fields as far as I could see and the temperature outside was only 15 degrees. I was starting to think Richard may have gotten us lost or something when up on the horizon slowly coming into view was what appeared to be a large brick wall on both sides of the road taking up a good section of land. When we got closer I could see the top of buildings over the wall and realized it was a city . We got closer and I realized how massive the city was. It had a large bridge going over the road that connected both sides

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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