chapter 6 the haunting

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The job continued going fine for another few weeks. People started getting used to me and I actually made a few friends who honestly thought I was the coolest thing in the world. One Saturday morning in mid October we had the day off. We were sitting there watching TV together when suddenly we heard the doorbell ring. Richard was at the front door so I opened it to see what he wanted. "I hope you 2 aren't busy but I need you guys to come with me I have something to show you" he said . Auckland and I quickly got our shoes on and left the house and got in Richards SUV. "So where are we going?" I asked. "Well you'll find out it's a bit of a surprise " he said. We continued driving for quite some time all the while I wondered where we were headed but I trusted Richard so I would just have to wait and find out. Eventually we arrived in Sylvania Ohio and pulled into the cemetery. I remembered this place all to well. Alot of my family members were buried here. Richard drove to the back of the cemetery and parked near a section of headstones. He sighed deeply "wether you hate me for this or not you guys have a right to see this" he said as he stepped out of the car. A bit confused we stepped out and began following him. He stopped and pointed at 3 headstones side by side. When I looked at the headstones my heart froze.  ERIC AND THOMAS MILLER 1996-2020. I read it over and over again in total disbelief. "W...what is this Richard?" I asked nervously looking back at him "your old bodies...your old lives are buried here" he said. I looked at the headstone again and touched it. This was honestly so terrifying and depressing to see all at the same time. I felt like a ghost at that moment. I suddenly felt really sad and depressed. I wanted to cry. Auckland came over and hugged me "I know it's sad man but we're still here..  we have a whole new life ahead of us" he said stroking my back. He made me feel much better.  "Yeah your's just I feel like it's a dream" I said. "I's ok though we're perfectly fine now" Auckland said. As for the third headstone it was uncle Mike's. He had been buried beside us. Apparently he died a month after we did. "I didn't mean to upset you but I felt like you needed to see this.." Richard said "it's fine... If anything it prevents us from being in denial about this" I said . After looking around a bit more and just reflecting on our past lives we got back in Richards SUV and began heading back home. The whole way home everything felt surreal to me. Looking at my headstone and seeing myself buried there. If it hadn't been for Richard we really would've been buried there. The part that struck my heart most was all the flowers and reefs around the headstone. A lot of people truly did miss us. But we had to leave them all behind and start over there was no going back. Later that day while watching TV I kept thinking how blessed we were to have been given a second chance on life. So many people out there don't get that chance at all.

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