chapter 5 the new job

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Thankfully it was. The next morning though I woke up to find Auckland laying beside me in bed. I was a bit surprised so I gently rubbed his shoulder to wake him "hey bro wake up you fell asleep in my bed man" I said as he slowly woke up "oh sorry man I just came to check on you and I guess I fell asleep I hope your not mad" he said "no it's fine it's actually kinda nice to have you with me" . We got up and went about our day. Our new jobs started in a few days and I was feeling rather nervous. It was about lunch time and Richard was coming over to discuss our new jobs with us. I decided to cook lunch for all of us. I began cooking some chicken and macaroni and cheese on the stove. At about 12:45 I heard a knock at the back door and Auckland answered it "oh Richard hello come inside" he said as Richard entered. Richards ears perked up and he sniffed the air "oh my my something smells delicious" he said. I could see his eyes light up and for a moment I could see the primal wolf in him show. "Well thanks for coming Richard please have a seat and yes we made some lunch for you as well" I said motioning to the dining table. "I thank you I very much appreciate it" he said as he sat down. I finished up cooking and served us each our food and we sat down at the table. Richard began going over our new jobs for us "now I've already explained to them what exactly you are and I've also worked with the government to get this all set up. I doubt anyone has ever seen a being like you guys in person before so they might be a bit Leary of you guys at first but hopefully once they get used to you you'll make some good friends... I know it's hard to fit in in this world but try your best just don't show off or do anything menacing.. I'll call you guys after your first day as well as your employer and see how everything we're" he said. "Sounds good to me I just hope nobody thinks we're total freaks" Auckland said "yes I hope not" Richard said. We finished eating our lunch and Richard left. "Honestly bro I am a bit nervous. We're not going to fit in at all in this world... I just don't know about this" I said as I plopped down on the couch beside Auckland "well we will just have to try our best. Who knows maybe some people will like us" he said wrapping his arm around me. "We'll see" I said softly. The next morning after getting a good night's rest I awoke at 6 am. Auckland was just coming out of his room. He had no shirt on and his fur glistened in the hallway light. "Well you look good today bro ready for our new job?" I said. "As ready as I can be" he said smiling. We went to the kitchen and made breakfast and sat down to eat and have our coffee. Afterwards we showered and got dressed. I took a good look at Auckland after he got changed "man that shirt and dress pants looks good on you... honestly it looks sexy as hell" I said "oh geez thanks man... Honestly you look pretty good yourself too" he said blushing a bit. After getting ready we left the house and got in our cars. I got in the bmw z4 and Auckland took the truck. I waved bye before pulling out of the driveway and I began driving. It was th first time in a while I had driven by myself. I found myself driving way slower than I used to. It was never going to be the same for me not after the accident. On top of that I was nervous about the new job. I hoped everyone liked me and I hoped it would work out otherwise I wouldn't know what to do. Eventually I pulled in to the Chrysler plant. My job here was quality control. Go and audit everyone to make sure everything met specifications. I pulled into the guest parking lot and sat there for a moment. I took a deep breath very very nervous. I texted the number Richard had given me to let my contact know I was here. Some guy named Dave bonsall. I slowly got out of the car and walked up to the building. I nervously stopped before opening the front door and I went inside. The lobby was pretty empty and I went up to the security desk. The security guards behind the desk all looked like they just seen a ghost when they saw me. "Can I help you?" One of them nervously asked "yes I'm here to see Dave bonsall the plant manager" I said feeling a bit nervous as well. The guy picked up a phone and without breaking eye contact pushed a button "uh yeah Dave there's some dogman guy up here who says he's here to see you" he said then hung up the phone . I stepped back and waited a bit nervous. Shortly later a man that looked to be in his 40s with black hair came out of a door. He stopped when he saw me and he eyed me up and down. "Well you must be huskeygez.. pleasure to meet you " he said as he reached out to shake my hand and I shook it "pleasure to meet you too Mr bonsall. Yep I'm huskeygez alright " I said as he stepped back. He eyed me up and down again. "I must say your rather good looking... Well come with me and I'll go over the job with you" he said turning and walking back towards the door he came out of. I  followed him as we headed to his office . The rest of the day consisted of filling out paperwork and going over the job responsibilities and touring the facility. I got a lot of strange looks for everyone as I walked through the place.  There was no doubt I would be the talk of the place for a long time to come. That evening at the end of my shift I got in my car and began driving home. I texted Auckland and let him know I would pick up dinner. I pulled into a dairy Queen drive thru... Somewhere I hadn't been in over a year. When I got to the window the last inside gave me strange looks the whole time. Clearly uneasy about me. I got my food and began driving home. Fitting in would definitely be hard there was no doubt everyone thought I was a freak. I arrived home and pulled in the garage. Auckland was already home. I went inside and sat down at the dining room table pulling the food from the bag. Auckland came in and joined me . "So how did everything go for you today?" He asked. "Not to bad but I definitely drew some attention that's for sure" I said. Auckland chuckled "yeah same here" he said. We began eating and as I finished the phone rang. I answered it and it was Richard "so I spoke to your employer and he said everything went well. You feel the same way I assume?" He said "yeah everything went well the job won't be anything difficult but it's going to take some getting used to. Everyone was definitely giving me some strange looks" I said. "Yeah you'll definitely draw some attention to yourselves naturally but we'll just have to see how everyone feels being around you guys. I'll continue to keep tabs on you guys and see how everything goes alright?" He said "sounds good to me" I said. And with that I hung up the phone.

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