chapter 4 the tragedy

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I awoke in the night to the sound of shuffling. I slowly opened my eyes and in the darkness I could make out 3 silhouettes in the room. My eyes snapped open and I realized there were intruders in the room. Some primal instinct in my new body took over and I lunged out of bed growling and flipped the light on "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS!?" the 3 men seemed surprised by my appearance and it didn't surprise me I mean would you expect to see an anthro husky? Probably not. One of the men was holding a crow bar and tried to hit me I tackled him and viciously began biting his arm with my sharp teeth. Then I heard a pop and felt a searing pain in my chest. I looked down and blood was oozing from my chest. I had been shot. I collapsed on the bed in total shock as the 3 men hopped out the bedroom window. "AUCKLAND HELP ME PLEASE MAN IVE BEEN SHOT!" I screamed with all the strength I had left.  Auckland burst in the room and nearly died when he saw me "OH MY GOD BRO.... WHAT ... OK JUST HOLD ON A SECOND!" he ran out of the room. I began to feel dizzy. He came back in a moment later and pushed a towel against my wound "HERE BRO KEEP SOME PRESSURE ON IT MAN" he said as he pulled the house phone out from his pocket. He dialed 91 before I stopped him. "No You can't....let out secret get out... mm you've gotta get me to......Richards lab ....he saved me once before....he can do it again" I said in between labored breaths.  Auckland help stand me up and we walked outside to the garage. He laid me in the back of the truck and closed the tailgate. "ITS GONNA BE OK BRO JUST HANG ON FOR ME MAN" he said in a terrified voice. He jumped in the truck and started it and began driving. I could feel that he was driving extremely fast probably well over 100. I just hoped no sherrifs deputies were on patrol tonight. I started feeling like and felt like I was going to faint. Eventually I heard the truck come to a screeching halt. Auckland opened the tailgate and helped walk me up to the front door. As soon as we did we saw Richards car fly into the parking lot. He pulled up right beside us nearly hitting the building and threw it in park before it even fully stopped and he jumped out and ran up to us. He scanned his badge and opened the front door and helped Auckland carry me inside. I was fading from consciousness at this point. Auckland must've called him on the way here. Richard grabbed a gurney and came in the lobby and helped Auckland put me on it. "CAB YOU HELP HIM? PLEASE TELL ME YOU CAN" Auckland said starting to tear up. It was the first time id ever seen him cry  in my life "I'll do the best I can...if I have to do a brain transfer again so be it" Richard said as we got in the elevator. I remember being taken into the infirmary and that was it. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed in a room with large windows.

I could tell I was in the same building because I could see the parking garage outside

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I could tell I was in the same building because I could see the parking garage outside. I slowly looked around until my eyes fell on Auckland. He was standing next to me and smiled when he saw me wake up "OH MY GOD BRO YOUR OK" he said as he hugged me tightly. His tail was wagging so fast I thought it might fly off. "oh I guess I am.. what happened?...I remember getting here ... And that's it" I said in a weak voice. Just then Richard entered the room and also gave me a quick hug before standing back up in his professional manner. "Well you were lucky. The bullet had pierced an artery causing you to lose a lot of blood but we managed to remove it and do emergency surgery and your mostly healed up now. Your fur in that spot might take a bit to fully grow back and you might be weak for a bit but you should be able to leave the hospital by the end of the day" Richard sighed and looked like he might cry " I'm sorry this happened to you I thought that home would be a safe place for you but I was sooo wrong" Auckland stood up and gave Richard a hug. "It's not your fault man it could happen to anyone" he said "I suppose your right " Richard said regaining his composure  "you didn't get any police involved or anything?" I asked. Richard sighed again "no....I wish I could but unfortunately they probably won't be much help to us.... and it puts my career at risk. I sent a cleanup team to your home and had some security upgrades done for the time being until I can move you 2 again " he said.  I probably wouldn't feel safe in the house again but for the time it would have to do. I had no idea if we were targeted or if it was some random home invasion. I didn't know what to think. I was just tired and wanted to rest. I looked down at the wound on my chest and apart from some missing fur you couldn't tell it was ever there.  That afternoon at around 3 pm I was discharged. Auckland pulled the truck up in front of the building and I climbed in the passenger seat "so how long was i in there for?" I asked as Auckland began driving "2 weeks.. Richard had you in forced stasis for a while to make sure your energy wouldn't drain completely" he said. "Richard sure is a damn good surgeon and scientist" I said thankful Richard had saved me twice now.  "If only the world had more people like him " I said "that would be nice... He seems like a gift from above " Auckland said. Eventually we pulled in the driveway of the house. Auckland parked the truck in the garage and we got out. I noticed there were now security cameras around the outside of the house. And when we went inside I saw a new ADT security panel by the back door. "Well he wasn't kidding when he said he did security upgrades " I said as I walked to my bedroom. Inside was a new bed and mattress. Auckland walked up beside me "yeah the old one was covered in.. well you know and they burned it and got you a new one" he said. "Richard really goes out of his way to do everything for us " I said as I sat down on the bed feeling how comfortable it was. And then I noticed criminal bars across the window. "Oh god your joking man... seriously? I mean yeah I get the reason but this is excessive " I said "yeah I know but I guess Richard really worries about us" Auckland said. I shook my head and smiled and headed back to the living room. I slowly laid down on the couch just wanting to rest "can I get you anything bro? A beer maybe?" He asked "no I'm fine now.. just a glass of water " I said. Auckland gave me a glass of water and set it down on the table then sat down on the other couch. I laid there and looked up at the ceiling. I realized then how much you take life for granted. You never know what's going to happen. I was lucky to make it out of 2 terrible situations alive but some people haven't been so lucky. I took a good look at my furry muscular arms again just admiring them, appreciating them. I was so grateful for the new lease on life I was given, to still have my brother and to have this beautiful body. "Bro let's not take our lives for granted anymore man... We're so lucky" I said "yeah man. Your right.." Auckland came over and gave me a gentle hug again. We ate dinner that evening and afterwards we watched tv together. I sat beside Auckland feeling closer to him than ever before. I was grateful to be alive and have him I thought. Afterwards we headed to bed. I climbed in my bed for the night and just hoped tonight would be normal. Thankfully it was.

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