chapter 3 the new life continues

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I awoke in the morning as sunlight pierced through the curtains. It wasn't a dream it was real. I was still in this body.I slowly got up and made my way to the kitchen. I began preparing breakfast and Auckland came in a few minutes later to join me. "Dam it wasn't a dream this is really happening" he said. "I know it's crazy I can't believe it's real.. definitely a beautiful work of science though I mean look at us we're absolutely stunning" I said as I served a plate of bacon and sausage to each of us. I sat down and began to eat once again struggling to hold food in my mouth . "Yeah definitely I could get used to this look" Auckland said. "So what should we do today?" I said. "Well I was thinking.. maybe if Uncle Mikes old dirt bikes are still in the out building we could go ride around the old trail" he said. I had forgotten about that. There was an old outbuilding behind the house that was overgrown. Uncle Mike had kept some dirt bikes in there. "Well we can check and see" I said. We finished eating and cleaned up then headed outside. The dilapidated outbuilding was still there. Uncle Mike never locked it so it was easy to get in. And too our surprise the 2 old green and yellow dirt bikes were still in there. "Well there they are hoping they still start" Auckland said . And too our surprise they fired right up. We pulled them out of the building and began to head towards the old trail. There was a 1 mile long oval trail in the woods behind the house we used to ride as kids. Uncle Mike had showed us how to ride dirt bikes. We began riding around the trail and I felt so alive being out here. It brought back a lot of childhood memories. The air was so crisp and cool out it felt good to be out there. After an hour and a half of riding we put the dirt bikes away and headed back inside "oh man that was great it felt good to be out there again. It's just a shame uncle Mike can't be with us out there" Auckland said "I know I really wish he could be here" I said as we entered the house. "I'm going to take a shower and get all this mud off me" I said "ok ill go after you" Auckland said. I headed to the bathroom and after showering I dried off and got changed. Thankfully Richard had installed a dryer on the wall of the bathroom that made drying off much easier. Unfortunately it also blew my fur everywhere. Looks like cleaning up fur would be a daily task now I thought. I headed into the living room and decided to hop on the computer. My curiosity was getting the better of me and I wanted to see what my old friends were up to. I remembered what Richard had said that I couldn't login to my old accounts so I got on , and created a new email then Facebook and created a new blank profile . I found my friends profiles as well as mine and decided to scroll through to see if there was anything about me or Auckland. When I did find things about us it was heartbreaking and depressing to see it. I wanted so badly to comment,to let everyone know I was still alive but I knew I couldn't. I then got curious and decided to see if I could find a news article about the crash. I found a few articles. Both with big headlines '2 killed in crash by runaway semi truck' reading the article was depressing. And then I saw the picture of our mangled car that had once been ours.

It was hard to believe our brains had survived at all

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

It was hard to believe our brains had survived at all. I didn't even want to know what our old bodies had looked like. After having my soul crushed I decided to just get off the computer and try and forget about everything. I headed back into the living room and sat down beside him. He was on his new cellphone. "You looking up the stuff about us too?" I asked. "Yeah man" he said with a sigh "it's depressing as heck. It honestly makes me want to cry "he said. I leaned over and gave him a hug and he embraced it. "It's gonna be rough starting over.. heck making friends especially. I mean whose gonna want to be friends with us now? I mean look at us. You think people will be scared off by us?" I said. "I don't know I mean it's not like we look scary or anything.were just different " Auckland said. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see" I said. I got a bit nosey just then. "Hey aucks see if you can find Richards profile if he has one I'm curious to know more about this guy" I said. We looked to see if we could find the wolfs profile if he even had one. We only had a first name and there were lots of Richards but eventually we found him. He had his picture on his profile much to our surprise. To our amazement he had hundreds of friends. Alot of furries. We looked through the friends list and some of them were real just like us. In his about section we found out Richard had done quite a lot. He was a retired scientist,had worked for the government, and had done all sorts of things and even had a degree in multiple subjects . Auckland decided to send him a friend request. Surprisingly he might must've been online because he accepted it quickly. He sent us a message. 'hey there guys how is everything going so far? How do you feel?' he asked. 'everything is going well so far. We're a bit lonely but ok' Auckland replied. 'i know how you guys feel but trust me things will get better ' Richard responded. We went back to watching TV then. Over the next few weeks things went fine. Adjusting to our bodies took some getting used to and there was a lot more self care we had to do. We had to brush each other daily and take all sorts of pills Richard had given us that kept us in good health. Vacuuming was a daily task a bit annoying but we got used to it. We never needed to turn the furnace on because we were plenty warm enough with our thick fur. I was worried that once summer came we'd be burning up. Richard would call or text or email us regularly to check on us,he dropped by to visit quite often as well. One Monday we had to go to his lab again for a health checkup. We got in my truck and for the first time in 2 years and in this new body I would be driving. "Strap in bro you ready?" I asked. "Yep I'm ready to go" Auckland said. I pulled out of the garage and turned around then began down the driveway. It felt weird being in this body and behind the wheel. When I reached the end of the driveway I froze
The memory of the accident suddenly flooded back in my mind. "What's wrong bro you ok?" Auckland asked. "Man we nearly died once in a wreck what if it happens again?" I said turning to Auckland "it's fine bro just take it slow and easy we'll get there I'll be here with you the whole way" he said as he leaned over and gave me a reassuring hug. Feeling a bit better I slowly pulled out of the driveway and began the drive. The whole time feeling a bit anxious but Auckland put his hand on my shoulder and gave me the courage to keep going. Eventually we made it to Richards building and went in for our checkup. We walked into a different office and a beautiful young woman who appeared to be part wolf greeted us. It was kind of neat and interesting to see

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked looking up at us "yes we have an appointment with Richard

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked looking up at us "yes we have an appointment with Richard. My name is huskeygez and this is my brother Auckland" I said. She looked in her computer screen. "Oh yes I have you right here. Go ahead and head through that door and into room 4" she said pointing towards a door. "Thank you" I said. We walked through the door and down a short hallway with a few doors in it. We found a door with a number 4 on it and walked in. It looked like a standard exam room but this one was larger and had 2
Exam beds in it. We each sat down on 1. Shortly after Richard entered the room wearing a white lab coat. "Oh well hello you 2 how have you been lately?" He said as he leaned against the counter. "Oh quite fine... just a bit sad I guess" I said. "Oh is that so? Is something wrong" Richard asked . "I just feel lonely even though I have Auckland with me .. and the memory of the accident keeps flooding back to me" I said. Richard sighed "I know you're lonely but things will get better as I said I have big plans for far as the memory your likely experiencing PTSD. You've been through some bad trauma and it's normal. Although I can give you new bodies I can't erase bad memories unfortunately" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "But if you ever need anything I'm always here to help you 2" he said. He then proceeded to take out his stethoscope and check our breathing as well as run other various tests on us making sure we were in good health. After he was satisfied we left and headed home.  Auckland and I ate dinner then sat down on the couch for a bit. I got bored and decided to go check out the basement. I wanted to see if any of uncle Mike's stuff was down there. To my surprise his old upper shoulder workout machine was still there and I sat down and began working out for a bit. Afterwards I showered and when it was time for bed Auckland and I each went to our rooms and climbed in bed for the night. I slowly drifted off to sleep

The husky brothers जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें