CHAPTER 6: Ghosting

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Night came and Babe is currently working. He looks at his phone and reads that it's almost 2 in the morning and yet, someone still hasn't showed up. He furrowed his brows and put it back in his pockets. 

Babe figured that he might not come tonight.

Which should be a good thing.


He's totally not waiting for him.


"Can I get a drink?" someone cuts his train of thought. 

Babe quickly faced his customer and to his surprise, it was Charlie. 

Again, he couldn't sense his presence since he can't smell his pheromones at all. He wonders if this is because of their soulmates. But then again, why can he smell his scent on that shirt? Something must be wrong with him.

Charlie smiled when he saw Babe's widened eyes. He was clearly not expecting him tonight. 

He tilts his head as a gesture that his question is still unanswered. "Babe?" He calls.

"W-what? Oh, yeah, sure," Babe was finally shaken awake from his trance. He even cursed mentally for stuttering. He took the enigma's order and started making it.

Okay, he admits that he did expect Charlie to be here since he's been coming here frequently or maybe only if he's just working. But he didn't expect him to actually sit on the counter close to him. 

On the other hand, Charlie just follows Babe's every move with his eyes. He noted how Babe looked serious while making his drink. Well, he's unsure if he's serious or just annoyed by his presence. Also, it didn't escape his vision how the alpha glances at him once in a while.

While Babe is frustrated by how every time they make eye contact, Charlie smiles cheekily. Not even a hint of shame in his face. 

Suddenly a customer showed up and he momentarily stopped making Charlie's drink and went up to the customer and took his order. Then, the second he came back to his spot, a male omega was now talking to Charlie. 

He can tell he's an omega by his aura and smell. Of course, enigmas have really strong aura but it's really difficult to spot especially since alphas and enigma can have similar auras. However, Charlie has that mysterious vibe surrounding him; he looks cheerful but also enigmatic. Babe has very much witnessed countless scenes like this and he can say that a lot of omegas like that apparently. 

He scoffs unknowingly and returns to what he was doing. 

"I'll be watching the race next season," the omega announced.

"That's great!" Charlie enthusiastically replies. He's genuinely happy to meet a fan of his.

Meanwhile Babe silently snorted by how animated Charlie's answers were. It's like talking to an auto chat. He's clearly genuine but the omega seemed to be annoyed by his responses. 

The next Charlie knew, a hand was snaking on his arms.  He was looking at Babe's way but then abruptly turned to the omega with a questioning look.

The omega replied with a flirtatious smile. "So you ride cars?" 

"Yep!" Charlie answers almost immediately.

"I also wanna ride..."

"Oh, you also want to be a racer–

"No, silly! I want to ride the one driving the car–

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