CHAPTER 17: Brothers

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"Ma? Pa?" a little boy groggily calls.

It was in the middle of the night when he was disturbed from his sleep. He heard faint noises and ruckus nearby. He figured one his parents must be having nightmares again so ventured to their room out of worry.

As soon as he got to their room, the door was slightly and suspiciously ajar. "Ma? Pa?" he calls once again as he searched for the light switch.

Once he found it and turned the lights on, his heart dropped and his eyes grew wide.

Blood was scattered everywhere.

Blood was oozing out of his parents' body.

And their blood was also covering someone else's body.

Covered in his parents' blood was a boy holding a knife.

He was kneeling between his parents and as he turn to him.

He was smiling.

"No!" A man cries out of despair. His strength left his body as soon he saw the same man that killed his parents.

He was holding the plug of the machine on his other hand. It was the only thing keeping his wife alive.

On his other hand, he was holding his son.

"You monster!" He roared. The man managed to stand up on his feet and found the strength to reach out for his child. He snatched him away from the other man and embraced his son tightly.

As he backs away from him, his eyes dropped to his now dead wife and the mother of his child. He sobs in silence while his heart was torn into thousand pieces.

"She's still as beautiful as ever, isn't she?" The man comments calmly and gently.

As if he didn't just murder her.

"Sadly, she's dead now-

"You fucking killed her!" He snapped, anger and sorrow reigned over him.

"He's next," he states while looking straight at his sleeping son.

This caused his heart to pace. He's scared for his son. So, he turned slightly from the man and hid his innocent child from that devil.

"But not right now," he added before laughing psychotically.

Anxious and scared for his son's life, he moved far away. Some place where that man couldn't possibly reach him. And not one day passed by when the last statement that psycho said, not haunt him in his sleep and every waking hours.

Both him an his son lived normally-and as happily as they could. He had a successful business and although his son never had the chance to be with his mother, they were happy.

Not until one day, his business suddenly went bankrupt.

Their life went downhill for no particular reason.

But deep down, he knew why.

"Please, don't! I beg you!" He pleaded helplessly to the man who's standing in front of the room where his son's sleeping.

"Hmm, he looks like her," he comments while scanning his son's sleeping figure. He smirks when he looked up to him.

With his tearstained eyes, he begs, "Please... He's the only one I have left..."

Hearing this, the man laughs. He laughs happily. "I know! Isn't that nice!? You're finally feeling what I felt!"

His brows furrowed. "What? What did I ever do to you!?

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