CHAPTER 7: Accept

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"You bastard..." Babe trails off before finally becoming unconscious.

Fortunately, Charlie was quick to catch Babe's head with his hands. He then slowly placed his head on the sofa before sitting beside him. He was inches away from Babe as to not invade his space.

"You're back early," Alan comments.

"Well-" as Charlie was about to reply to Alan, he halted because Babe moved closer to him and rested his head on the crook of his neck.

The enigma's breath hitched and he was rendered frozen on his seat. He was stunned with his actions, the team was also taken aback by it.

And when Babe seemed to be comfortable enough and was peacefully sleeping, Charlie released a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Wow... I mean, he'll definitely punch himself if he ever remembers what he's done tonight," Alan says in utter disbelief. He's even covering his mouth and shaking his head, clearly not used to this sight of Babe.

"He's really drunk, huh? Otherwise he'll never do this..." Charlie states while gazing down at Babe in awe.

Someone clears their throat. It was Way. "Anyway, how did it go?" He asks.

The rest of the team as well as his brother, Jeff, nodded in unison having the same curious question.

"Well, they really want me on the team," Charlie simply respond.

"That's great then! So, what did you tell them?" It was North this time.

"You should accept it!" Sonic suggests.

"It's a great opportunity for you," Way comments.

Jeff and Alan were genuinely happy about the news and nods in agreement. Jeff will support whatever Charlie's choice would be while Alan well, he'll definitely support him since he's the one who forced Charlie to go to the States.

"Yeah, I don't know, I'll think about it..." Charlie says all while staring at the sleeping figure beside him.

Morning cam shortly and Babe is greeted with nothing but a massive headache. As he lie awake he couldn't help but curse and grumble. He covers himself with the duvet and groans in pain.

Amidst his misery, he didn't fail to notice a familiar scent and presence in the room. And it clicked to him. He immediately removed the duvet and lo an behold, there, sits not so far from his bed, is Charlie.

Wide eyed and confused he screams, "What are you doing here!?"

Charlie can only flinch and scratch his head. He was anticipating a violent reaction but, he was still surprised. "Ah, well, you..." He's contemplating whether he should say it or not.

"Answer me!" Babe exclaimed.

"Shit." Charlie whispers to himself. He might be killed for saying what he's about to say but he thinks he'll manage.

"Well, you asked me," he wanted to say begged but, "to stay beside you and uhm, not leave so-

"You! I ws drunk and you took advantage of me, didn't you!?" Babe yells accusingly. He was breathing heavily while covering himself. He checked his body and the room for any signs of them doing it.

"No! Of course not!" Charlie was offended by it but then again, he understands that Babe always jumps into conclusions and think the worst out of him.

He heaves a sigh before walking closer towards Babe.

"Don't you dare!" Babe points at him, warning him.

Charlie sighs defeated but still stopped in his tracks. "Look, I'm telling the truth... I don't care if you kill me now but I am... You did ask me to not leave. And again, like I said before, I will never take advantage of you, Babe. I promise you, I will never do that to you."

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