CHAPTER 8: Convince

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"Someone seems happy," North comments as soon as Charlie joined them on the tracks.

He was skipping towards them and smiling from ear to ear, even humming a tune in the process. "Let's start?"

But no one responded instead, they were cheekily staring and judging Charlie's behavior.

"What?" Charlie asks confusingly. He genuinely has no idea why they're acting this.

"You're eerily cheerful." It was Way, cocking his brows.

"I'm always cheerful," Charlie defends.

All of them shakes their head in disagreement.

"No. Not like this..." Sonic scanned him from head to toes and waving his hands on his body.

"What?" Charlie really has no idea what they're implying.

"You look like your owner petted you and gave you a treat," North added. Him and Sonic kept describing and comparing Charlie to a dog.

Alan just stood silently while smirking on his own knowingly. Charlie ignored the vlogger duo and approached the older. Way followed him, still teasing him.

"Do I look weird for some reason?" Charlie asked whilst scratching his head.

Alan laughs at the innocent Charlie. He placed a hand on his shoulders and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry. They're just teasing you."

"Obviously, but why?" Charlie pouts a bit.

"You know why," Alan insists.

"You told them, didn't you!" Charlie whisper-yells.

Yesterday, the second Charlie went down the stairs, Alan was on the salas and was tying his shoes. They agreed to go together at Jeff's. He wanted to give the presents their parents got him, while Alan just wanted to visit his mate.

"I heard yelling, you two good?" Alan asked in concern.

Charlie nodded excitedly. "Uncle! Babe just said we're soulmates!"

The older was wide eyed upon hearing this. "Is he drunk still? Or are you–

"No! He accepted me as his soulmate! Well, he didn't sayy it directly but still, he lowkey did!" Charlie couldn't contain his happiness, it's practically plastered on his face.

Stunned was an understatement of how Alan felt that moment. "Wow, Charlie... Everyday you bring out something in him that I never knew he could do... I mean, I did say he's a softy but that was quick? Anyway, congrats, kid!"

"Thanks... But I still have a long way... I want him to say it officially..." Charlie trails off.

"You do. I'm just relieved you come out everytime you talk to him, unscathed," Alan jokes and they both laughed.

"Anyway, let's go! My Jeff's waiting–

"Oh, please!" Charlie covered his ear jokingly annoyed byt it and walks out the door.

Meanwhile Alan followed him and was pointing his finger. "One day, you're also gonna be like that! Just you wait, kid!"

Now back to the present, despite Alan not answering Charlie, he concluded that this Uncle called everyone about the news yesterday without him noticing. And now they're going to tease him the whole day. But it doesn't bother him, in fact, it makes him proud of himself.

"Oh, before I forgot. We're going to recruit a replacement for you," Alan announces.

Charlie furrowed his brows as he looks at him. "Replacement? I'm still in the team, you know. I haven't even decided yet."

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