CHAPTER 13: Gloves

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It's almost the creak of dawn and Charlie and Babe were finally done. Of course, they wouldn't have stopped if it weren't for Babe begging the enigma to stop. Charlie was pounding at him like an animal and it was too much for Babe that he didn't notice that was actually crying. His tearstained eyes was enough to turn Charlie's lust into worry in a matter of seconds.

Charlie have already wiped him clean. They're already dressed but they stayed and cuddled for a while in the car. Babe is sore to the core. However he's also staying in the car for another reason.

It's that, he doesn't want to go face Alan just yet.

He's embarrassed.

Although Babe knows that Alan will support him and Charlie because that's a given. But his pride won't allow him to go back there and be teased by Alan. But another part of him doesn't care if he gets teased.

Maybe because he's not ashamed of his feelings anymore.

Charlie wanted to bring him to his house but he refused since he finally resolved in going back to Alan's house and talk to him. Andd the enigma respected that so now, they're on their way to Alan's.

When they got there, Charlie carried Babe inside. And if only Babe had the strength, he would've argued with Charlie but unfortunately he didn't. So, he just let Charlie do what he wants.

It was quite but it feels like someone was there. They figured that Alan must've been sleeping so they just silently went to Babe's room. As Charlie was walking, he asked Babe if he wants him to help with shower but again, Babe had zero strength so he just resorted to changing his clothes.

Upon placing Babe-who's freshly changed-on the bed, Charlie informs, "We've got a meeting tomorrow at X-Hunter's base. If you're still sore, just don't force yourself. I'll make up an excuse-

"Yeah, like you fucked me until I can't walk?" Babe retorted.

Charlie smirks. "In my defense, that's a valid excuse."

Babe scoffs at his remarks. "You're really cocky you know that?"

The enigma shrugs his shoulders. "I'm just telling the truth."

Babe had enough of him and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'll be on the meeting. I'm an alpha, so I'll heal fast."

"But if you really can't, don't force yourself okay?" Charlie reminds again while placing his hand on Babe's own.

Babe nods shifting his gaze on his hand before interlocking them. "Okay, Papa."

Stunned, Charlie was wide eyed. "What? What's with Papa?"

"Nothing. You just sounded like a dad scolding his son." Babe chuckles.

Charlie nods with his explanation. "But I prefer the other one you called me."

"What? I didn't call you anything-

"Was it not Daddy?" Charlie tilts his head. A smirk painted on his lips.

On the other hand, Babe's eyes grew wide. Then, flashbacks of the amount of times he called him that came flooding his mind. With his mouth hanged open, he couldn't help but cover it with his hands.

"Fuck," Babe whispers.

"But you're sore-

"Charlie! I hate you!" Babe slapped his shoulder and covered himself with the duvet. He was hiding out of shame.

Meanwhile, the enigm was enjoying Babe's embarrassed state. He was laughing and he hugged him while the blanket still covers Babe.

"I'm sorry. Don't hate me. I know you don't mean that-

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