Chapter 3

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Alice started at the sudden question, whirling to find Percy peering curiously at the scattered books. His shock of blond and brunette curls were instantly recognizable, Percy was sneaking up on her again.

"Oh, um, yes actually, the red haired girl? There's no sign of her in any of our yearbooks'' Alice stammered, as she refused to look him in the eye. "Didn't Mr. Blackwell say not to chase after it?" Percy chuckled as he sat next to Alice. "Like I care," Alice rolled her eyes.

"I may be able to help you know? If you ask nicely." he said thoughtfully. "I'm fine, thanks." Alice sat up and smiled fakely at him, just as she was walking away, Percy spoke. "While going through old photos the other day, I definitely recalled a peculiar girl who attended for a brief time almost a decade ago now. Red pigtails, shy and kept to herself if memory serves. Unfortunately no last name was ever disclosed."

Alice stopped in her tracks, maybe he could help her. "Fine, but show me the photos." Percy led her to his room, rifling through boxes until "a-ha!" he produced an old class photo. And there, lurking in the very back row, was unmistakably the face from her childhood visions.

Alice frowned. "I need to find her. I don't know why but I must, I just have a feeling." Percy hesitated, having an uneasy opinion on defying Mr. Blackwell but his emerald eyes held only concern for her safety as he finally relented. "Were gonna get into a ton of trouble! But, two sets of eyes are better than one in the dark of night, and I'd never forgive myself if you were hurt." Percy flashed her a smile, his eyes hidden behind his locks. Hope and determination swelled in Alice's heart, she would get to the bottom of the mystery 

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