Chapter 11

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Blaire looked back at the village one last time, she knew she might not come back alive, she knew she left Ben. But she needed to do this alone, the Archmage wants her

Blaire descended into the dark forest alone, emerald in hand. Its glow illuminated her path. From the edge of her eye, she spotted stone tunnels, a green light glowing from within. "I see you"

The tunnels lead ever downwards, until voices echoed ahead. Peering into the cavern, Blaire saw the coven had returned, more numerous than before.In the centre, the Archmage sensed Blaire spying on her, turning cold eyes upwards.

"Come out, child. Join us willingly and this need not end in bloodshed." Blaire steeled her nerves and stepped into the light."I don't follow anyone, all I want is answers." Emerald flaring, Blaire unleashed a blast of energy. The coven scrambled as pillars collapsed. In the chaos, Blaire dashed amongst shadows toward the cauldron's bubbling source.

There, she saw bones, fungi, and writhing creatures birthed some foul magic. With a cry, Blaire thrust the emerald into its depths. The eldritch mixture exploded outwards in a shockwave, sent beasts and coven flying.

Only the Archmage remained standing amidst the rubble, nothing more than a few scratches and first adorning what little skin she showed. Blaire faced her, magic dancing at her fingertips. "And what answers would you want Blaire?" She slurred at Blaire's name and attacked with thorns, flame, storms of ash and stone. Blaire dodged and deflected each blast. "You know what, Amber Findley''

Summoning all her might, Blaire plunged her hands into the earth. White glowing vines erupted, enveloping the Archmage whose screams curdled Blaire's blood. Thorns constricted mercilessly until, with a sickening crunch, the witch fell silent at last.

Exhausted, Blaire collapsed onto the ground. Her eyes started to flutter as the roof continued to crumble around her. Suddenly, she felt someone pick her up. "Blaire" Ben's voice was hazy and blocked out. "H-hi" She managed to whisper before her mind went blank and her vision blacked-out.

When Blaire finally awoke, she was back at the Academy. Ben sat by her beside snoring away. She sat up, her head throbbing crazily as she peered down to her fingertips, glowing white.

The Archamge may be dead, but Blaire felt as if something darker was at power, something seeking great power. She didn't worry much, after all she had her power and Ben. If she told her past self from one week ago that she was laughing with Ben, she would've started screaming and looking for a knife. But it's okay, Blaire has forgiven Ben for the mistake he made 10 years ago, after all, he was a little kid and so was she.

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