prologe (2)

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It's been a while since Yoshi and his daughter mooved with Audre. It was a risky decision but they ended up conecting perfecly.
Audre lived in a small House in Brooklyn which was perfect for three people.
The first year they decided to take it easy, they met eachother better and descobered they really liked being together. Miwa even started to call Audre 'okāsan', which means mom in japonese. She loved it.
Yoshi found a job at a dojo near the aria where little kids where thought the arts of ninjitsu at a low level. Soon Yoshi became the main teacher since he was an expert well trained on that area.

The second year Audre finally realised she found the man she wanted to be with and asked Yoshi to merry her. For him it was a big deal, he somehow felt he was bettaying Tan Shen... But after talking with Audre he finally decided to accept it. And it was the best decision he had ever made.

A year later after the wedding they found out Audre was pregnant! Miwa was the most exited about it since she was about to be a big sister! For an eigth years old, she was verry inteligent and decided to help her new mother with everything she could (of course she didn't need to do much since she was a kid, but she tryed)
Nine months after, two healthy boys were born. Leonardo and Donatello. They were Named like that after Audre's favorite renassance artists.
Yoshi and her devided the tasks to be able to take care of their three kids. They were lucky their neighbours were really nice and offered to take care of Miwa after school from time to time so they could make time to work, lean the house and take care of the twins.

After some time, a year and a half, Audre was pregnant again, they wanted to have another kid since they had enough money and time now that Audre was given a huge promotion after a project she made.
After the labour she was warned to not have any more children or she could risk her life. Regardless of that, they had another healthy boy who they named Raphael. The twins accepted raphael as another twin like them and miwa loved the idea of having another little brother to play with. She was an awsome big sinster.

Everything went well. The kids were growing up healthy, Audre had a really nice place at her job and was making a lot of money and Yoshi was finally happy, with an awsome job too, the lovelyest family and the life he had always wished for.

Two years later, miwa was 11, the twins three and raphael was only two, Audre found out she was pregnant again, but this one wasn't planed, it wasn't expected to happen.
Yoshi insisted Audre she should abort reminding her what did the doctor seid after having her third son. They had a lot of arguments for that, she seid she didn't like the idea of aborting, she didn't want to put her body through that and somehow she felt as if this baby was... Special.
After months of arguing back and forth about the issue... It was to late to get rid of it. No one was happy with this sitiation, Yoshi the most.

On her ninth month, she decided to talk to all her children... She knew something could go wrong and she wanted to make sure they kids wouldn't blame their little sibling.
She sat on a chair with all her kids close. Miwa had raphael on her arms and the twins where standing next to eachoder. All of them listening to their motehr.

Aubre: ok kids, i want to tell you something really important... But you have to promise me you will be good and listent.

Leo: is wrong okasān?

She smied at her son trying to ask her what was wrong. She put a hand on his head and stored gentily his already messy hair.

Aubre: otōsan (yoshi) has already told you that mama is a little bit sick.

Miwa: yeah, but he seid you'll be fine, rigth?

Aubre: yeah... But there is a chance i...  won't be able to make it... I am sorry kids, but now it's too late to do something about it... but always reamember that Okāsan will always love you all. No metter what, including the new baby.

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