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First day in a new high school, what an exiting feeling! Well... Not for mikey, he hated that... He was just amused to get to go with two of his new friends. He woke up earlyer then usual since he had to leave earlyer to get to his new school, it was a bit further then the last one.
He got out of bed, put some big blackish jeans with a chain on the side, a big orange hoodie with a white smiley face on the back and his favorite blue shoes. He took his bag and put the necessary in it; note book, pens... Not too much stuff.
He decided to leave his music notebook home since he knew he wouldn't have time to use it on the first day and he didn't wanna carry more weigth  then he had to.
He then went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and made sure his hair looked grate (it did thanks to MC). Once he was ready, he headed downstairs. Just Miwa and Leo where in the kitchen. Raph was taking a shower and donnie was still sleeping. Their father was probably meditating as he always does in the morning.

Miwa: you'r up early.

Mikey: my new sohool's further.

Miwa: i made you some breackfast and a sandwiche for school.

Mikey: what's the ocasion?

They looked at mikey for a moment. Was it that rare for them to be nice at him? Meanwhile they were staring at mikey, thinking about all that, mikey took the sanwich and filled his bottel of water. He made sure he had money for lunch and then he was ready to go.

Leo: don't you have to say something to Miwa?

Mikey: Oh, yeah. Thanks. I really apriciate it.

He took and apple to eat as breackfast, since he didn't got much time to sit down and eat whatever Miwa prepared. He left his house with Donnie's sckate.
Leo and Miwa looked eachother.

Leo: this was weird.

Miwa: yeah... I kinda feel bad. Raphael was rigth yesterday with what he told us about what happend with mikey... We never take care of him and i kinda feel bad about it... He's our little brother and yet we always treat him badly... We barely know him...

Leo: you'r rigth... But it still feels weird...


Mikey was slowly making is way to high school, he left earlyer then he should but he didn't want to stay there for too long.
Twenty minutes later he arrived. It was still a little early so he used the reminding time to smoke a cigarret. He put one of thoes in his mouth and then... Fuck, his ligther.

???: need some fire?

Mikey looked to the side and met with rabel. He was handeling a little ligther on his hand, it wasn't his tho.

Mikey: thanks rabel... What are you doing so early?

Rabel: i can ask the same.

Mikey: i didn't know how long would it take from my house to here, so i left earlyer.

Rabel: nice thinking. My story isn't that smart i guess, i made a race with MC.

Mikey: a race?

Rabel: the first one to get here gets to ask any favour to the other. And i won, of course it wouldn't have been possible without some cheating but... He doesn't need to know.

From not too far they heared MC screaming at his brother. He looked exhausted. It's obvious he ran a lot. When he finally was close enough he didn't even try to hid his anger.


Rabel: what did i do?

MC: you know what you did! You pushed me back into the subway!!

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