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When Raph asked for help when mikey fell unconcious it took less then twenty seconds for all of his siblings to get there. They saw raph kneeling beside an unconcious mikey. They looked eachother worryed and helped Raph moveing mikey to his bed.

Donnie: guys... I guess this may have gone too far... We should talk with otōsan.

Leo: you'r rigth Dee. This is too much. But i don't think talking to dad will solve anything. He's just mad at mikey... Maby mikey is truly doing something wrong.

Raph: no, we do need to talk to dad. This isn't normal. I also come back late sometimes just because i was haveing fun and i also got into arguments with him, but it never went that far...

Miwa: we can try to talk to him this week end. He will be less stressed with work.

Donnie: hey, should we like... Take care of him or something? He needs some treatment.

Miwa: yeah, let's do it now that he's asleep. He never let us help.

Raph: we also never try.

Leo: pardon?

Raph: did any of us stand up for him when he wa being beaten up by our dad? Did any of us ever try to really talk about how he's feeling? Did any of us try to help him out?

Leo: hey, i called him to come back before. If i didn't, dad would have been even more mad!

Raph: yet you didn't tell him he was drunk today because he had a long and rough day at work.

Leo: that wouldn't have changed anything.

Raph: yea it would! Mikey could have waited at Tina's house until tomorrow, dad wouldn't be as mad as now.

Donnie: why didn't you do something then as well?

Raph: i- i don't know... And i'm mad at my self for that... He's a nice boy, he doesn't deserve all of this...

Miwa: i'm With raph... Let's try that today's events doesn't happend again.


Mikey woke up feeling really bad. His whole body felt as if he was used as a boxing bag... Which he technicly was... He looked at the time, five in the morning... Too early. He walked downstairs to find no one there, again, too early...
He made his way into his room again and put on his cloths, then's when he noticed he was tacken cared of while he was unconcious... He knew his siblings had something to do with it. He looked at raph and smiled. He knew his siblings were really trying to get closer to him now... More or less...
Once he was ready, he went downstairs again and prepared some pankekes. A really easy and tasty recept that takes less then twenty minutes to be ready and it's liked by everyone. He made a big amount of them and stock them on a big plate... He wanted to thenks his brothers but he wasn't one to say thank you.
Once he cooked and cleaned everything he wrote a little note knowking miwa, who usualy wakes up the first in the morning, would see it.
"I made pankekes for you, Leo, Donnie and Raph. Don't give any to dad, he doesn't deserve it. Thanks for takeing care of me yesterday..."

When the little letter was wrote, he left it beside the plate with pankekes and walked outside his house knowking he would have to wait an houer or more until starting school. He just wanted to leave his house.
Half an houer later, while he was heading to school, he recived a missage from miwa.

Miwa: "thanks for the pankekes. And, please, don't be too late today"


He was weiting now in front of his high school, there where still twenty minutes more to go before starting lessons. He was weiting for Rabel and MC to apear but it seems like today they where takeing longer then yesterday.
He was on his notebook, he wasn't willing to leave it home anymore, he was writeing something that popped on his mind. A catchy vers. At some point he just desconected from reality.

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