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Rabel and MC where at their house with Mikey. He was asked to come after school and he accepted. Once there, mikey told them everything about what happend the day before, of course he didn't specify any detail or talk more then what was necesary. He also omited certain parts of the story he didn't want to reamember nor mention...

While he was explaining that, MC and Rabel couldn't belive it. Mikey's dad really was out of control.
Rabel was also mad at mikey's brothers since they didn't do anything to protect him. If it was his sitiation, he would even kill in order to protect any of his siblings and make sure they were safe. Mc, on the other hand, felt really bad for his friend, he did want to help but didn't know how.

Mikey: that's all... Please, don't tell enyone.... Not even Swift... I don't want more people knowking about all this shit...

Rabel: well, i think the police should know.

Mikey: you don't understand, it will only make things worst... I can jusy wait until i'm old enough to move out of my house. Or at least weit until i graduate from high school and desapear.

Mc: you can always come here with us, you know that, rigth?

Mikey: yeah but... I don't want to be an inconvinient for you guys... You already did a lot for me and i don't want to bother you guys anymore.

Mc: but you don't bother us mikey!!

Rabel: yeah, we really like you in here. Listent, i'm gonna make some hot chocolate for you-

Mc: and me?!

Rabel: and you too Mackenzie... So, i'll make some hot coco with marshmellows for you two. It will help you feel better, you'll see.

Mikey: thanks Rowan...

Rabel: no problem kiddo.

When Rabel left the room mikey recived a missage from Adam reminding him they where ment to meet tomorrow. Mikey made a desgusted face and put his phone away.

Mc: what's wrong?

Mikey: oh, nothing. Just a stupid and toxic idiot. Adam... He's something like... My ex-boyfriend.

Mc: really?

Mikey: yeah, we never really had anything serious but we did have some fun together. When i broke up with him, due to his toxic behave, he didn't take it well and he ended up bulling me... He was one of the boys i broke the nose of on my old school and the guy who beat me up with other three dudes before i met you.

Mc: oh boy, what an asshole... What does he wants?

Mikey: he says he wants to meet up... He said he wants me back, to hang out with me like we used to do before i broke up with him.

Mc: and you want to?

Mikey: no! He was the one to bully me about thoes rummor at my old school, that's what got me kicked out from there on the first place!!

Mc: and will you go meet him tomorrow?

Mikey: i still don't know. I don't want anything with him but i kinds wanna show him what he lost and, if i can, give him back some of his medicine.

Mc: yeah boy, slay!!

Rabel walked into the livinhroom with two cups of hot chocolate. He gave one to Mikey and one to MC. For a moment, mikey didn't know if to accept it or not, he wasn't used to this kind of things. Ravel notced it but said nothing since mikey finnaly decided to take it.

Rabel: so... What were you guys talking about? I heared a slay.

Mc: mikey's toxic ex-boyfriend.

Rabel: wow, didn't see that coming. What did he do?

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