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The next morning, mikey woke up at ten. It was sunday and he heared everyone downstairs. If it wasn't for his stomach, which was screaming for food, he wouldn't even get out of bed.

He walked into the kitchen, where everyone was haveing breackfast. He was quikly noticed but no one sais anything... Well... Not everyone.

Yoshi: you shouldn't be waking up this late. Michelangelo.

Everyone went quiet for a moment. Every time Yoshi talked to his yunger son there was a thick tension on the admosphere.

Mikey: ok...

Yoshi: Leonardo told me you came late last nigth.

Immidialty, mikey looked at leo with a death stare. Leo just looked away, he thought their dad needed to know. He was a fucking brown-nose... Snitches get stitches, mikey thought.

Mikey: so what?

Yoshi: i don't apriciate your tone, yung boy. Do your really think i didn't notice you got into a figth?

Mikey: and? It's not like you care anyways.

Miwa: that's not true mikey-

Yoshi: miwa, leave it to me... What do you mean by that?

Mikey: you think I haven't notice how you all exclude me!? I'm not stupid otōsan! Ever since i was a kid i've been noticing it!

Yoshi: that's not true.

Mikey: no? And how do you explain i was mostly raised by Tina and her husband (the neighbours). Howcome you naver came to see me at school when we had special activities? Because there are pictures about it of all your kids but me! Why am i the only kid you don't spend time with or even ask 'how was your day'-

Yoshi: you know i have a hard work-

Mikey: yeah, yeah... Of course, work... That's why also all my siblings here excluded me... The had work, didn't they?

Yoshi: don't bring them into this. You don't know how hard has it's been ever since-

Mikey: since what!? Since I killed okāsan!? Because it seems like everyone here thinks i'm just a fucking assassin!!

Yoshi: take thoes words back.

Mikey: no way! And yes, i had a figth yesterday and yet you blame me for it instead of asking what happend!!?

Yoshi: Michelangelo, you'r always getting in trubble! Why wouldn't i think you had something to do with it!? That's why i was forced to transfer you to another high school!

Mikey: eh... You don't know me... Do you?

Yoshi: that's enough!! Go to your room!

Mikey: why?

Yoshi: because i have had enough of your desrespecful behave!!

Mikey: no shit sherlock. I'll go out. Have a nice day dorks.

Without weisting time, mikey took his jacket (a diferent one from yesterday's) and donnie's scate (he doesn't use it anyways). He heared his father yelling at him from behind. He didn't waste time and as soon as he was far enough from his home, he put a cigarret on his mouth and took his ligther. He made sure to have one on him before leaving... That made him reamemver the boy he met yesterday, sam- Swift. Maby he can find him again?

He made his way into the same alley and climed into the fire scape. He wasn't sure if to go to the top and knok on a window... Why was he doing this? Was he so desperate to get destracted rigth now?
At the end he decided to leave... He wasn't sure if swift wanted to see him again anyways-

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