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Miwa: come in.

The door opened and Raph, Leo and Donnie walked inside the room. They all went home as fast as possible when miwa told them there was an emergency. They where stunned when they saw Mikey tearing up while Miwa painted his nails.

Leo: and the emergency? I thought the house was on fire.

Miwa: shut up and sit down. There is an emergency and if any of you dares to act like an asshole he'll be forbiden from coming into my room to paint our nails for a month. Got it?

They all nood at what she seid and sat around the room. Raph chose the chair, leo sat on the desk and donnie on the floor, leaning his back on the wall. They were weiting for the news.

Miwa: mikey, do you wanna tell them or dor you want me to start?

Mikey: em... You first please.

This was weird for mikey. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment. It almost felt as if he was dreaming.

Miwa: ok, guys... So, it tourns out mikey had a really toxic boyfriend who was the one to bully him and spred the rumors about him.

Raph: what an asshole.

Leo: a boyfriend? I didn't know that.

Donnie: of course you didn't know dork, he never talks to us.

Miwa: so, this guy asked mikey to meet up today. He wanted to go out with mikey again...

Mikey: but i just wanted to end all that shit and tell him to stop bogging me...

Raph: so what happend?

Mikey: well... If my friends, who had followed me, didn't stop him... He would have raped me again and probably killed me...

Again, that last part was almost like a wishper but everyone heared it. His borthers were speachless. Raph even stood up.

Donnie: what do you mean 'again'. Did he do thay before?

Leo: and kill you? Don't you think that's a bit too much?

Mikey: he... He did raped me earlyer this year... That's why i broke up with him... And no... He did try to kill me...

Mikey showed his neck which had marks of fingers, as if someone tryed to strangle him. He was hidning them with the sweater Swift gave him.

Raph: oh my god...

Miwa: was it or not an emergency?

The boys where really shoked. Mikey was getting nerveous again and even atarted to tear up... He decided to continue.

Mikey: when my friends got him off of me he ran back thowards me and pushed me off the third floor... If Sam, one of my friends, didn't catch me i... I would be dead...

Mikey started to shiver even more. Raph sat beside him and put a hand on his shoulders. Mikey couldn't do much since his nails where still drying.

Mikey: i feel desgusting every time i even think about it...

Raph: who's that jerk...

Miwa: Adam Hansen.

Leo: Hansen? They don't live much far from here.

Raph: who wants to kick that kid's ass?

Mikey: it won't be nevessary... Sam already did it...

Leo: Sam? Who is Sam again?

Mikey: one of my friends... He was the one to catch me whe i was falling... He was so furious at Adam that i think he won't be going to school for a cupple of days... He and two of his brothers walked me home. He even gave me his sweater to feel less cold... He's one of my best friends...

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