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D+C= some irritable littles

Charlie's POV

I think I'm the first one up , I take a look around, yeah I am . I've just got to lay here because I know if I move I'm going give dada a heart attack, his words not mine . Ima go get my toys and then . I slowly slide off the bed and tip-toe to where my backpack Is, I carry it back over to the bed and I climb back in .

I was having a bit of fun playing with my sensory book , my favourite page is the one withthe funny mirror. I giggle pulling faces at the mirror "Char-lie?" Someone groans , the bedsheet on the mattress on the floor ruffle. 

I shove my paci back in my mouth to stop my giggles , a bed head pops up black long hair messed in all directions . It's Tori. "Hewo!" I say behind my paci as she rubs her face "hey , Charlie " she groggily smiles at me.

I get off the bed and jump into her arms "did you sleep well?" She questions "Wes,weally good esept sahar woud " she chuckles quietly "yeah just a bit ".I  lay face down on her mattress "go back to sleep Charlie , it's really early for you "  "I nu twred" I yaw asshe rubs my back and hums,but I don't have fall back asleep on my list for today .

But after about two minutes or so, the darkness snatches me into a peaceful slumber.

Tori's POV

I listen to Charlie's kitten snores and lay down next to him, I'm not even going to try and go back to sleep again. I keep a hand on his back while my other searches the ground for my AirPods , I eventually find them putting one in one ear and the other in the other ear.

I connect it to my phone and started my Radiohead playlist, which I made. I pull the duvet over Charlie's shoulders . I just lay there on my back daydreaming and staring at the ceiling.

After about fifteen minutes of staring into space I decide to get up and go get ready , I slowly shift my weight off the bed , using the bedside table to catch my balance. I walk over to we're my bag is , I take my toiletries out along with my clothes for the day . I then head into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.


Nick's POV

I jolt awake sitting up slightly, I look to my side to find Charlie peacefully asleep but he's not there "shit" I murmur , an abrupt very familiar giggle comes from below the bed . My eyes only then meet Tori "morning , you looked like you woke up peacefully "she whispers jokingly "yeah uh morning, I just had one of those dreams where you feel like you're falling " she nods and I give her a look .

"You really can't see him ?" I look at her confused and she sighs , I observe as she moves a few pillows and the duvet that was resting over her . Another giggle, I watch as a bed of dark curls retreat back under the duvet "Charlie " I say moving over to the side of the bed , he stops and pokes his head out turning to look at me.

"Hello , bubs " he smiles behind his blue paci "you seem very happy and energetic this morning " I say as he crawls over to me and climbs onto my lap "dada?" He says hitting my chest softly "Yes char?"  "We go 'ow ?" I shake my head making him whine so I tickle him "da-dada stwap !" He screech's .

"Uhh!" We hear Tao groan "uh oh " Charlie says sucking harder on his paci,I chuckle and his response. "What time is it ?" Tao asks walking over to us and sitting cross legged on the floor, Tori answers his question " ten to seven " "oh okay, not too bad " .

Charlie waves to him and Tao waves back smiling "down pweas" Charlie asks, I set him down and he runs over to Tara and Darcy who are still asleep, he climbs up and over Tara making her wake up but she just smiles. He then moves to Darcy who is spread out, head hanging over the side of the bed . 

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