◉ Chapter 1

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In the twilight's embrace,
dreams take flight,
Yearning to shine
in the vast expanse of night.
A soul ablaze with a fervent desire,
To ascend high,
to reach higher and higher.
Yet beneath the glow,
a whispering fear,
Will recognition validate,
or merely disappear?
A quest for brilliance,
a journey afar, Emotions entwined,
like a shimmering star.

- Akshara Singhania

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The grand hall glimmers with soft candlelight, casting a warm glow upon the round tables adorned with delicate floral centrepieces and tableware. Guests, dressed in their finest attire, chatter in anticipation as the moment draws near.

The host's voice resonates through the hall, hushing the crowd. "Now the moment everyone's been waiting for has finally come. Dearly beloved and honoured guests, please give a round of applause as the bride Ms. Riya Dsouza and groom Mr. Rohit Verma walk down the aisle."

Applause erupts as the bride, radiant in her gown, and the groom, beaming with joy, step forward, their radiant glow illuminating the room.

Among the murmurs of admiration, a guest whispers, "They make a lovely couple, don't they? And everything looks so lavish". Another nod's in agreement, eyes sparkling with a lark. "Indeed, after all, it's a wedding between a celebrity and a rich business tycoon's daughter."

Among the wedding guests, a tense and rigid figure of Akshara, a woman in her late 20s is seen sitting, clad in a black dress that contrasts sharply with the vibrant colours of the ceremony. Oversized sunglasses conceal her eyes, masking the turmoil within as she watches the wedding proceedings with a mixture of bitterness and annoyance.

As the couple walk the aisle, Akshara intently looks at the groom, the man who shattered her world with his callous betrayal. "Should I just whack that damm head of his?" she gritted her teeth in anger and muttered with displeasure.

One week prior -

As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeates the air, Rohit and Akshara sit across from each other in a cosy corner of the cafe. Akshara's eyes sparkle with anticipation, unaware of the storm brewing ahead.

Rohit sipped his coffee casually while tossing an invite onto the table nonchalantly, causing Akshara's smile to waver. She picked up the card, her confusion growing as she realized it was a wedding invitation. But what truly shocked her was seeing Rohit's name as the groom. Her emotions swirled, mixing surprise, hurt, and betrayal into a tangled mess.

Her heart skips a beat, mind struggling to comprehend anything. "Wedding? Are.......are you for real.....". Tears well up in Akshara's eyes, her confusion giving way to hurt. "How could you.....do this to me, Rohit?"

His gaze hardens, words cutting like shards of ice. "Let's not make this more dramatic than it needs to be, Akshara and mind you, we are not on the same level anymore. My future father-in-law is a wealthy businessman so clearly, Riya's a better match for me."

Akshara's hands tremble with anger, her voice trembling as she struggles to maintain her composure. "So, that's it? Everything is because of money and status?"

Rohit shrugs nonchalantly, his indifference like a knife to Akshara's heart. "You can call it what you want. But the truth is, you were just too dense and stupid to realize anything".

Akshara was too stunned to speak but as she kept listening to Rohit's deceitful words, a bittersweet mixture of nostalgia and betrayal washes over her, causing the once-solid foundation of their shared memories to fracture within her mind.

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