◉ Chapter 3

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Amidst the bustling activity of the filming location, with the crew setting up cameras, lights, and sets along the seaside beach, Rohit and Akshara found themselves face to face once again, hidden from the crew's view.

"Rohit", "Akshara" they said simultaneously. Their names hung in the air, weighted with tension and unresolved emotions, while their voices were hushed but laced with frustration.

"What the hell are you doing here?" they hissed again, simultaneously, their annoyance evident as they exchanged glances filled with disdain.

With a quick flicker of annoyance, Akshara confronted Rohit. "Stop copying me and what do you mean why I am here? Obviously, I'm here for the shoot! But why are you here?" she demanded, her expression etched with irritation.

Before Rohit could respond, a production crew member called out to him. In an instant, his facade shifted, morphing into one of compliance. "Yes, I'll be right there," he replied curtly, his gaze briefly meeting Akshara's with a warning glare as he continued.

"Hah......It seems like you have got some minor role....anyway since we both are here to shoot, make sure you watch that mouth of yours when talking to me, also don't get me involved with you in any way... got it?" he sneered quietly, his words intended for her ears only, before hastily making his way to the crew member who had called him.

As he walked away, his facade of geniality returned, as if his expressions before were just an illusion. He chirped away, leaving Akshara stunned by the stark contrast between his public and private personas.

While Rohit walked away, Simran rushed toward Akshara in a frenzy, anger and urgency mingling in her voice. "Akshu, big news... I just heard from one of the staff members that Rohit is..." she began, but her words trailed off as she noticed Akshara's irritated and disgusted expression. "Seems like you've already met him," she added, acknowledging Akshara's reaction.

Curiosity piqued Akshara urging Simran to continue, "I don't know the details, but it looks like he snatched up Vikrant Singh's role. It was a sudden change, so I'm sure other staff members just found out about this too," Simran explained.

Akshara's disbelief was palpable as she processed the information. "But it's a parallel male lead role! And Vikrant is not some newbie, he is a star himself, how is this even possible?" she exclaimed, incredulous.

Simran lowered her voice, revealing the unsettling truth behind Rohit's sudden elevation. "Well... one of the investors backed out and the production was going through some financial issues. But, since Rohit's in-laws' are quite influential and rich, hence they....." her voice trailed off, leaving the implication hanging in the air.

Akshara's heart sank, a wave of disappointment crashing over her as she realized the possibility of having to endure Rohit's presence once again. The thought weighed heavily on her, stirring a mix of frustration, resignation, and a lingering sense of betrayal.

Sensing Akshara's inner conflict, Simran gently offered her support. "Akshu... should I tell them you can't do this?" she inquired, concern evident in her voice. However, Akshara's resolve was unwavering. "No, why should I run? Even though it's a minor role, it's a role I proudly and fairly got, unlike that sneaky fellow" she declared with determination, her chin held high.

Simran's pride in Akshara's strength shone through as she smiled warmly. "Yes, that's right. I am so proud of you, Akshu," she affirmed before instructing Akshara to focus on her role and wait in the car while she distributed the drinks she had bought for the staff. Despite Akshara's offer to help, Simran insisted she prioritizes her preparation for the shoot.

Akshara was overwhelmed by Simran's gesture, her heart brimming with gratitude but tinged with shame for the extra burden she felt, she had placed on her friend. "Sorry, Simran, you always have to work so hard because of me..." she expressed, her voice heavy with emotion.

"Goodness! Stop blaming yourself, Akshu. To me, you are the prettiest and most talented actress on earth! and I am sure in due time we will bear the fruit of our hard work" Simran reassured her with a bright smile. "Anyway, you have to shoot in the water today. If you can't get it right on your first try, you will have a hard time, so just focus on your part!" With those encouraging words, Simran left Akshara to her preparations.

As Akshara sat back in the car, revising her role, determination ignited within her. "Sia's character does not have many scenes, but she definitely makes a statement in this movie. I will use this opportunity to finally make my name known!" she resolved, her spirit emboldened by the prospect of leaving her mark on the film industry.


In the opulent setting of the hotel room, Abhimanyu sat perched on the sofa, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation as he listened to Vikrant's voice emanating from the phone. "Come on, Abhi, so you skipped shooting and went on strike by copping up in your room? come on Abhi, why are you so worked up when I am not?" Vikrant's teasing tone filled the air, eliciting a hollow laugh from Abhimanyu.

But beneath the facade of levity, a current of tension pulsed through their conversation. "Aren't you even upset, Vikrant? Why are you not doing anything?" Abhimanyu's inquiry hung heavy in the air, a silent plea for solidarity in the face of adversity.

Vikrant's response was pragmatic, tinged with a hint of resignation. "What can I do even if I am upset? No matter what I do, Avdesh sir won't even bat an eye. I am sure he must be shooting other scenes instead of stressing over you right now, so stop protesting. You too very well know that Avdesh sir is quite unhappy and troubled by what happened?" he lamented, his words echoing the harsh realities of their industry. Yet, amidst the resignation, there was a flicker of camaraderie, a shared understanding of the burdens they bore.

"We both know how much time and effort he has put into this movie. but because he is the director and not the producer, he too is in a tight spot. I gotta be the bigger person here, we have no choice......Anyway, we can always work together on another project so don't worry about me and focus on your work. Also, let me know how good this Rohit guy is" he suggested, a hint of laughter in his voice.

Whatever he said was a reminder of the harsh reality they faced, the stark choices they were forced to make in the cutthroat world of showbiz. 

As Abhimanyu absorbed Vikrant's words, he couldn't help but feel discontented by the views and couldn't help but mutter "We always have a choice, Vikrant, we just see giving up as an easier option" emphasizing their ability to control their own destiny.

As he ended the call, Abhimanyu recalled his encounter with Rohit on the wedding day, never anticipating their paths would cross again under such circumstances. Discontent surged within him as he observed the special treatment Rohit received from the staff due to his wife's prominent family, leaving a bitter reminder of the politics that pervaded their industry. The memory left a bitter taste in his mouth as he reclined on the bed, lost in thought.

Abhimanyu's heart sank as he reflected on the situation. "What utter disaster," he thought, letting out a heavy sigh and closing his eyes to relax.

However, his brief moment of tranquillity was shattered as Ravi burst into the room, his urgent tone sending a jolt of adrenaline through Abhimanyu's veins. The sudden intrusion snapped him out of his reverie.

 "What's going on, Ravi?" he asked, his concern evident.

Ravi's words hit Abhimanyu like a bolt of lightning, jolting him into a state of heightened alertness. "You need to go and stop the director. If he keeps that up, I'm afraid he's actually going to kill someone!" Ravi exclaimed, leaving Abhimanyu shocked and alert, ready to intervene before matters escalated further.


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