◉ Chapter 15

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Abhimanyu's lips curved into a charming smile as he spoke, "You are early," causing Akshara's cheeks to flush crimson. She couldn't help but silently muse, "Why does he always catch me in my awkward moments? And how come he moves around so quietly?"

"Sorry, did you wait long?" Abhimanyu inquired, gracefully taking a seat opposite her.

"No, don't be. We are both early... Anyway, did you get caught up in the traffic?" Akshara asked, trying to maintain the flow of conversation.

"It was alright, I came via cab" Abhimanyu responded, settling comfortably into his chair.

"You came by cab, was it really okay, did no one recognize you?" Akshara expressed her concern.

"No, in fact, it's better if I don't use my own vehicles while attending a personal affair as the paparazzi can recognise almost all of them," Abhimanyu explained.

"Ah...that's true. You are famous, after all...." Akshara remarked, her words punctuated by a hint of admiration.

Abhimanyu chuckled softly, nodding. "Yes, I suppose it's the bonus of being in the limelight."

Akshara smiled back, feeling a little nervous under his gaze. "Must be quite the hassle sometimes, though, right? Always having to be cautious about being recognized."

Abhimanyu shrugged casually. "It comes with the territory and to be honest, I have worked hard to get recognised, so I don't think it is a hassle but I do appreciate moments like these sometimes, which are away from the spotlight."

Akshara's heart skipped a beat at his words, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. "I can imagine. It must be nice to have some semblance of normalcy amidst all the chaos."

Soon an awkward silence enveloped them, with Abhimanyu's gaze fixed on Akshara, who fidgeted uncomfortably, unsure of what to say next. 

She stole a quick glance at him, only to swiftly avert her eyes when she realized Abhimanyu was still staring at her intently, prompting her to wonder, "Why does he always stare at people so directly?"

Breaking the silence, Abhimanyu spoke "Akshara....", drawing her attention as she finally met his gaze. He handed her his phone, his tone gentle as he asked, "If you are sober now, can you explain the text you sent me last night?" 

Akshara felt a rush of sheepishness as she took his phone, examining the message. "That's strange, I had checked it several times before sending it...." she began, but her words trailed off as she finally read the message clearly, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 

"Good lord... Is... is this really what I sent?" she thought to herself, her heart racing with mortification.

The message -

Abhimanyu sir, sorry for the late text. It's me Akshara...8I'd like to thank you for your interest, which is a grept honour and I'm thrilled buut it's a bit overwhelming, tobe honest. Honestly, it hasn't been long sonce I got my feelibgs hrut and it;s haard fot me to trusrt sonmeone basef on feelimgs anf need some tine to heal. Real gppd sir whp hellp me amd i;ll be goof actrexx....I hp[e it cam b e that somrday,,,,,thanls fot reafing mu lobg tezt.

"I can't believe I sent such a disastrous drunk text! I look like a complete loser!! Where is the autocorrect when you really need it? It was quite foolish of me, to think that I was fine when I drank that much!!" Akshara reprimanded herself in her mind, her thoughts racing with embarrassment and regret.

"I-I am so sorry...I had no idea I was this drunk..." Akshara stammered, handing Abhimanyu his phone back, her cheeks flushed with mortification.

"Since you are the one who wrote the message, you can explain it to me, right?" Abhimanyu said calmly, taking his phone back, his gaze unwavering.

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