◉ Chapter 17

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The atmosphere in the room was charged with an electric tension as Arjun's mischievous glint met Abhimanyu's steadfast gaze. The playful curiosity in Arjun's voice was unmistakable as he probed deeper.

"I am sensing something intriguing here. What's going on between you two?" Arjun asked, his voice dripping with anticipation, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Abhimanyu took a moment, his eyes twinkling with a hint of playfulness, before responding, "Nothing's going on... but I do want something to happen between us, though." As the words left his lips, he took a leisurely sip of his drink, his demeanour calm and composed.

Arjun's reaction was immediate and palpable. His slightly tipsy self couldn't contain the excitement that bubbled up within him, and he practically jumped out of his seat, his hands flailing in the air as he exclaimed, "Wow, Abhi... tell me everything!! Let me live vicariously through you!" His voice was giddy, his enthusiasm contagious as he vigorously patted Abhimanyu's back in a gesture of camaraderie.

Abhimanyu winced slightly, his face contorting into a grimace as Arjun's enthusiastic back-patting turned into a mini assault. "Alright, dude, calm down a little. I am still a patient, you know... Be careful," he admonished, rubbing his now sore back with a rueful smile, as he tried to reign in Arjun's exuberance.


The room was bathed in a soft, dim light, casting gentle shadows that danced on the walls. The tranquil silence was broken by the sudden buzz of a message notification, jolting Arjun awake from his unintended slumber.

"Hmm? When did I fall asleep?... Wasn't I listening to a star's love story just a moment ago..." Arjun mumbled, still dazed and disoriented from sleep. He glanced at his phone, the screen displaying the time – well past 3 in the morning. "It wasn't my phone," he murmured, casting his eyes towards Abhimanyu, who was slumbering somewhat uncomfortably on the sofa.

Shaking off the remnants of sleep, Arjun slowly rose from the carpeted floor and made his way over to Abhimanyu. "Hey, Abhi, you've got a message," he announced softly, but receiving no response, he continued teasingly, "You sure you don't need to check? What if it's from the person you want something to be going on with?" His playful jest was met with an immediate reaction as Abhimanyu sprung up from his sleep, catching Arjun slightly off-guard.

"Wow, there's no wake-up call like this, huh!" Arjun exclaimed with a chuckle, handing Abhimanyu his phone.

As Abhimanyu scrolled through the messages, a smile slowly spread across his lips, his eyes lighting up with anticipation upon seeing Akshara's name. However, as he delved deeper into the message, his brows furrowed in confusion. 

Without wasting another moment, he dialled her number, but soon his mind raced with questions. "Did she fall asleep after sending me the text?" he wondered anxiously.

His spiralling thoughts were abruptly halted as Akshara's soft, sweet voice filled his ears, instantly melting away his confusion and replacing it with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Unconsciously, a blush crept up his neck, his heart skipping a beat at the sound of her voice.

"Have you been drinking?" Abhimanyu asked, his voice laced with concern, while the conversation took an unexpected turn in the early hours of the morning.


As Abhimanyu ended the call, his face was etched with a hint of annoyance. 

Arjun, who had been clinging to him like a persistent shadow as if Betal himself, throughout the entire conversation, looked up expectantly, his eyes shining with curiosity.

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