◉ Chapter 2

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Simran Rathore, Akshara's manager and friend, stood by the window, chatting on the phone with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "Yes, we'll be there on time. Thank you!" she exclaimed before rushing over to Akshara.

"Akshu, you did it......you made it. You have been cast for 'Waqt'!!!" Simran's voice danced with joy, as she burst into their cramped one-bedroom apartment room, her eyes sparkling with pride as she delivered the news.

Akshara, who was busy reading a book while nestled in the cosy nook of their shared space, whose walls were adorned with posters of iconic films and shelves stacked with well-loved books, looked up in shock.

Akshara's initial disbelief dissolved into a radiant smile, her eyes widening in incredulity. "What, seriously? Did I really get the role in Waqt?" Her voice trembled with a mix of excitement and disbelief, her heart pounding with exhilaration.

"Yes!" Simran confirmed, her voice ringing with unwavering certainty. In a whirlwind of jubilation, they embraced, their laughter mingling with the sweet scent of victory. Joy surged through their veins, igniting every fibre of their beings as they revelled in the moment together.

Akshara's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her emotions threatening to spill over. "Simran, am I dreaming? Is this really happening?" Her voice wavered with the weight of her emotions, her hands trembling with the magnitude of the moment.

"It's real. Very real! Goodness....you crybaby," Simran teased affectionately, her words laced with fondness as she wiped away a stray tear from Akshara's cheek.

"Waqt," the very mention of it sent ripples of excitement through the industry. Directed by the illustrious Avdesh Shah, whose name alone was synonymous with cinematic brilliance, and starring Abhimanyu Birla, the epitome of stardom with Vikrant Singh, it promised to be a masterpiece in the making.

For Akshara, the mere thought of "Waqt" stirred a kaleidoscope of emotions within her. She had auditioned for the coveted female lead role what seemed like ages ago, pouring her heart and soul into the opportunity. Yet, as days turned into weeks and then months without any word, she resigned herself to the familiar ache of disappointment. Seven years of relentless pursuit in an industry that often felt indifferent had tested her resilience to its limits.

But now, as the news of her casting finally sank in, a radiant glow suffused her being. After being an extra or minor character in ads, movies, and OTT dramas for almost seven years, this was a moment she had scarcely dared to dream of-a breakthrough after years of relentless perseverance and hence was on cloud nine.

The air crackled with anticipation as Akshara's animated voice filled the room, her hands frantically moving to gather her belongings. "Wait! We shouldn't be sitting here right now! When did they tell us to pick up the script? They must be tight on schedule with the sudden change of the actress!" she exclaimed, urgency colouring her tone.

Simran's response was measured, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she observed Akshara's behaviour. "No, they are right on schedule," she replied, trying to calm Akshara's nerves.

Akshara's smile faltered slightly as she processed Simran's words. "Oh, then did they postpone the shooting date?" she asked, still clinging to hope.

Simran hesitated for a moment before delivering the crushing blow. "They want you to be on the location in three days from now. That's when you will start shooting your scene," she revealed gently.

The realization dawned on Akshara, her expression shifting from anticipation to disbelief. "What? Do they want to start shooting in three days? You sure it's not for a table read?" she questioned, her voice trembling with a hint of desperation.

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