◉ Chapter 7

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Abhimanyu strolled out of the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel which were still damp from a warm shower. After changing, he wandered into the living room of his hotel suite and grabbed the script, prompting Ravi, who was engrossed in a TV show, to glance at him quizzically.

"Why are you reading the script right now?" Ravi inquired, his curiosity evident.

"The director wants me on the sets, now that I'm done protesting," Abhimanyu explained, with a distant tone.

"What? Don't tell me you have to shoot all night," Ravi exclaimed, a note of sympathy creeping into his voice.

"Have you ever seen him slacking off? He's always on schedule but got sidetracked due to me. So, I'm sure we're pulling an all-nighter," Abhimanyu remarked, resigned to the inevitable.

"Sigh... I was gonna go for a few drinks with the other managers tonight, but I guess that's not happening anymore," Ravi lamented, his disappointment palpable.

"You, go, play out. Anyways, I'm the one who's working, not you," Abhimanyu retorted, his tone tinged with a hint of bitterness, before returning his attention to the script.

"Yes... you sure?" Ravi questioned eagerly but then hesitated. "Wait, why did you sound a little spiteful just now?" he probed.

"Then, do you want to pull an all-nighter with me too?" Abhimanyu countered calmly, his focus still on the script.

"I'll just escort you to the shooting site," Ravi conceded, realizing that his plans for the evening were about to take an unexpected turn.

Abhimanyu and Ravi shared a professional camaraderie peppered with brotherly banter. Their long-standing partnership, born from shared challenges while Abhimanyu was still a struggling actor, is grounded in loyalty and mutual respect. Despite their playful jabs, their bond remains unshakeable, reflecting a deep and enduring friendship that extended beyond the confines of their work.


As Abhimanyu and Ravi step out of the hotel, their strides purposeful as they make their way towards the shooting location, Ravi's keen eyes catch sight of Simran. "Isn't she the manager of the actress who plays Sia?" he points out, a hint of recognition in his voice.

Abhimanyu immediately piques, his distant demeanour softening as he follows Ravi's gaze to where Simran is engaged in conversation with a crew member. "You're right," he acknowledges.

Meanwhile, the staff member and Simran were busy discussing the solution. "You can use Room 207. Several staff members will be out shooting all night with Abhimanyu, so, you won't be too uncomfortable in there," the staff offered kindly.

Gratefully, Simran accepts the offer. "Alright, thank you so much," she responds with a smile, her eyes briefly scanning the area.

Abhimanyu, ever the observant one, approached the conversation with curiosity. "What's wrong? Are we short on rooms?" he interjects, his tone laced with concern as he joins their discussion, causing a slight surprise among them.

The staff member, taken aback by Abhimanyu's sudden appearance, scolds him gently. "My goodness... why do you always sneak up like that?" she chides before continuing, "Akshara was scheduled to return today only, after shooting her scenes, but she now has to stay longer, because you refused to shoot!"

Abhimanyu's shock is palpable. "What? Seriously?" he responds, a wave of guilt washing over him as he turns to Simran with a remorseful look.

"I am sorry. Akshara's schedule got affected because of me..." he apologizes sincerely, his eyes reflecting his genuine regret.

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