Part 21

103 9 27

Shu's pov

I came to the balcony far from everyone for the call. After I ended the call, I was about to go but Dalny comes in front of me blocking my path.

Dalny : Don't tell me y-you f-fall for h-her? You didn't r-right? You promised me...

I sighted. I need to clear all this.

Shu : Yes I fall for her...I love her.

Dalny : Y-You? How can you cheat on me?!!

Shu : Cheat? We are not in a relationship anymore. You don't have any rights on me so it is not called cheating!!

Dalny : But you promised ME!! How could you just say you fall for her!!! What about your promise?!!!

Shu : Some promises are mean to be broken , Dalny. Love is not something we can control or plan. We just fall in love and I deeply fall in love with Y/n and I can't lie to my heart. I suggest you to forget the past now!!

She scoffed.

Dalny : You are betrayed!! And a liar too!!! First you force me to marry your brother by saying that you will never give your love to anyone and look!! Liar!!!

She chuckled bitterly. 

Dalny: But you know what? Y/n don't give a fu*k about your feelings!! She don't love you!!

Shu : Even if she doesn't love me I will never embarrass, blackmail or force her to stay with me or love me back like you are doing to me!!! Because I love her!! I will never ever forced her to be mine but I will always be hers. I am already hers. So please stop forcing me!!


Shu : YOU--

I was cut by a sudden noise of dropping something. I looked towards the door and got shocked seeing Y/n standing with tearful eyes. 

W-Wait? She heard our talks? Maybe she misunderstood?

Y/n : A-Actually...W-We are going back so I come to i-inform you b-both...S-Sorry if I disturb you both...

Before I could say anything she left from there. I also ran behind her. 

Y/n's pov 

Dalny's words are still ringing in my ears. I am feeling betrayed. How can he do this and if he love her then why he gave false hopes?!! I also can't do anything coz I don't have the rights. I am the one who is third wheel between them. Unknowingly, tears rolled down my cheeks. I already know about their relationship....yes...I overheard the day Shu was talking on the phone with her. (The day when Y/n come to Shu for her father's resignation before their marriage) 

But it hurts...because I love him from the day he saved me but I push those feelings aside knowing that he loves someone else. 

End of pov


After reaching their mansion 

Y/n quickly ran into their shared bedroom. Shu follows her. Shu entered their bedroom and grabbed Y/n's hand but she jerked his hands. 

Shu : Y/n...What did you heard?

Y/n : Why did you care?!!

Shu : Y/n...please tell me what you heard? I am sure you misunderstood. Let me explain atleast--

Y/n : YOU DON'T NEED TO MR. KURENAI!! I don't fucking care!! We are not a real couple!!


He yelled but melted when he saw tears in her eyes. He quickly hugs her.

Shu : Y/n...I don't love Dalny...

Y/n : You don't?

Shu shooks his head in denial and cupped her cheeks. 

Shu : I don't...Please trust me.

Y/n : Fine....

She said and layed on bed. 

Shu mind : Just fine? Is she not going saying or asking anything?

Y/n: Umm...By the way I need your help.

Shu: Yeah say?

Y/n : There is boy who works as a caretaker in my father's charity orphanage. But he--

Shu : Did he misbehave with you??!! Or bothers you?!!! If he then I will--

Y/n : Overprotective mode on?? He didn't do anything. He is like a brother to me and very kind but he looses his memory so I need your help to find his family. 

Shu : Oh...Okay. I will help him for sure. But let me meet him first. We will go tomorrow to meet him after your college. 

Y/n: Okie!


A/n : Hey angelos!! I am sorry for not replying to your messages. 

I need your advice guys! I am really confused. 🤯

The thing is that my mother's school is going on a school trip and teacher's children are allowed too. I am allowed too.😌

So I should go or not???

Why I don't want to go is because we are going in bus and I have motion sickness so I will vomit. 😥 and I already visit the place 2 years ago.

But it is an historical place and I love history and historical places. 👉👈

Help me to decide please 😭

Love On Duty : A story of love and responsibilityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora