4 - Stay

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"Skye..." Sebastin said slowly as I fell forward a little. "You're drifting."

We still sat at my desk, him still on the actual desk itself, and I was on my chair.

I'd been drawing all night, and it was two in the morning, and I now felt like I hadn't slept in years.

My lashes were falling, my brain growing foggy.

I fell forward again and Sebastian just slipped off my desk at an instant.

"Okay," he said gently, catching my arm. "Let's get you to bed, Sweetheart."

I let him help me up, and he wrapped his arm around me as he flipped off the desk light, and he guided me to bed.

"Slip in, okay?" he said.

I listened, watching lazily as he did the same. "It's dark..." I told him.

"It's okay," he whispered, guiding me toward him, and I nearly fainted as he wrapped his arms around me. "I got you, Angel. You can sleep."

My lashes fluttered shut, and he just set his head against mine, pressing my head to his chest.

"You can make yourself visible to humans right...?" I asked him.

"Yes, Angel."

"So can you stay until I wake up?" I asked him, breathing softly as I drifted farther out to sea. "Don't leave like you usually do...? And... can you make yourself invisible to my parents if they walk in?"

He smiled, nodding. "Yes, now go to sleep."

He didn't have to ask me twice.



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Right as Skye fell asleep, I gazed up further in the room, glaring at the shadowed figure who stood in front of her open window.

"That's a sharp look, Sebastian," North stated, smiling. "I'd prefer a, 'hello.'"

"What do you want?" I demanded.

Twisted (Switched: 2) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now