26 - Well, that's just great

20 2 14

I woke the next morning to my phone ringing, and I groaned in annoyance, rolling over on the couch as Sebastian slept behind me

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I woke the next morning to my phone ringing, and I groaned in annoyance, rolling over on the couch as Sebastian slept behind me.

"Pick it up in the morning," Sebastian said, pulling me tighter to him.

"It'll take just a second," I replied, swatting the coffee table before I caught my phone, and I sighed, pressing it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, Skye," a woman's voice came from the other line, "how are you doing?"

I blinked, sitting up and making Sebastian groan. "Rose?" I yawned. "What's up?"

"Sorry for calling you so late," my boss said sadly. "I just... needed to tell you something."

"What's up?" I said. "Do I need to work tomorrow or something?"

"Ah, no," she replied, a smile in her tone. "Sadly the opposite."

"Oh?" I replied.

"Yeah," she said then, sighing, "my husband's going away for a while... in Florida."

"Florida?" I said. "That's far."

"Yeah," she replied, chuckling, "yeah, and—since I'm his wife—I have to go with him."

"So I'll have a new boss?" I wondered.

She hesitated for a moment. "Eh... so... so this store was made by me, right? And I wanted to keep all my recipes and stuff to myself, and you of course." She chuckled sadly. "It's hard for me to trust, so you're the first, but anyway, my husband's rented a place in Florida, and the shop will move there for now."

I blinked, eyes darkening. "Oh?"

"Yeah," she said, "sorry for the short notice, but I ain't really got a choice. This job just popped up out of the blue, and I'd hate to leave the store, but I have to."

I sighed then, shoulders dropping. "Uh, okay. Well... I hope you have fun."

"It was a pleasure working with you, Skye," she told me gently. "You were like a daughter to me."

I smiled then. "Yeah, right back at you."

"Well, thanks for helping me with the shop." Silence for a moment. "Goodbye."

I sighed, closing my eyes tightly. "Bye."

And the line clicked.

I dropped the phone, sighing heavily.

"Something wrong?" Sebastian said from under me.

I gazed down at him, finding his dark eyes parted and glistening under the moonlight. "Yeah, apparently my boss is moving to Florida, and she's closing the shop."

He smiled sadly. "Out of a job?"

I nodded.

He just chuckled and pulled me down, making me yelp when I collapsed back onto him.

"I can give you money, if you want," he said then.

"I'd feel better if I earned it," I told him. "And you don't have to do that."

He smiled, pulling some hair away from my eyes. "I don't know... maybe I could pay you for all the affection you're giving me."

I gave him a look. "I'm not a prostitute."

He just smiled. "I meant the cuddles. I can pay you for those."

"Still not a prostitute, Sebastian," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Just think about it," he said, smiling, "okay?"

"Fine," I set my head on his chest, "whatever."

"Now go back to sleep," he said, smirking. "Your new boss says so."

I gave him a look, and he only smiled, so I just rolled my eyes and closed them, relaxing into him. "I hate you."

"Says the girl who's falling asleep while I hold her."

"That's different," I slurred, feeling my dreams seep in.

"Not as different as you think, Skye," he replied.

"Ugh," I said, "I'm sleeping. Now good night."

He smiled a little. "Kay, night."

Hey! Sorry for the short chapter!
More will be up soon. I kinda fell out of Once Bitten for some reason, but... ugh.
Anyway, I will update that once I plan more, but I'm working on this one more :3

Anyway, I will update that once I plan more, but I'm working on this one more :3

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