The Mizukage's letter

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//Author's note// Sorry, it's short. I'm having a writer's block. But do enjoy! //Author's note end//

Kakashi's pov:

I had send Pakkun to collect any letters the Mizukage might have given Kiko to bring back and to my surprise he came back with a small scroll, I quickly(not!) took it to the Hokage.

I politely knocked and waited for the Hokage to allow me in, before I entered.

"Lord Hokage, we got a letter from the Mizukage." I said as I walked up to the Hokage, passing Ibiki and Anko on the way.

They were helping with the Chunin examines, so there weren't any surprise in them being here. I gave the Hokage the scroll and waited for him to dismiss me, but he didn't. He just started reading the scroll, ignoring the curious glances from Anko and Ibiki. Then he looked up at me.

"You need to talk with her, when she gets back. It would appear, that she held the Mizukage at knife point. Though they attacked first." He said, it took me some time to understand.

How do you react to that?

"She did what!!!" Ibiki asked in a shocked tone, while Anko laughed loudly.

"That's the spirit, girly!" She grinned, making most of us sweat-drop.

"You know, she shouldn't do things like that, she could get hurt." I lightly scolded Anko, though she just smirked.

"Oh, come on! She's still just a child, but she still got the whole; cut the head of the snake thing down! She's one smart girl!" Anko laughed, and I had to agree.

The proper reaction probably wasn't being proud, but I couldn't help it.

"Anko!" The Hokage scolded her, not that you could see it on her.

"She's right, you know." Ibiki pitched in proudly.

"Hokage-sama, how am I supposed to raise her probably, when those two are her roll-models?" I asked, trying to stay serious.

None of the two looked sorry at all. I looked at the Hokage, who glanced annoyed at the both of them. He seemed to be trying to get them to behave, just by looking at them. It had worked a few years ago, perhaps it would even have worked a few months ago, but ever since Kiko came to town...

"Awww, I'm a roll-model!" Anko grinned widely, while Ibiki chuckled loudly.

"I see, what you mean." The Hokage sighed and looked at me. "At least she still got the two of us."

"I'm not sure that, that is such a good thing though..." I managed to press out, before I joined Anko and Ibiki in their laughing.

Not a minute later the Hokage had joined us.

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin