I got dangoes.

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Tsukiko's pov:

Pervy Sage had finally started to train Naruto as he promised, it was popping water ballons, I was banned from touching them after I took a few and threw them at Pervy Sage. He got wett and mad. I was going to stay with Naruto, while he trained, but Pervy Sage insisted, that I shouldn't. He said that I would only distract Naruto, so I had to walk around with him. Even after Naruto moved on to rubber balls I was still banned from touching them or staying with him.

Pervy Sage really was a weird guy, he was asking around to find that Lady, that he wanted to find. But he was also talking to several other women, whom he told that I was his daughter. Which made them follow him around, hanging from his arm, telling him what a great father he was. I really think, that I'm going to be sick, if he continues like this for much longer...

He only finally stopped claiming me to be his daughter, when we had to go meet that Lady, whom he was chasing after. Turns out he didn't actually know, where she was, but he knew which village she should be in and so we had to go there, where he then went from place to place asking for her, untill he heard about this monster snake breaking the castle, that was supposed to be there. It wasn't there anymore though, neither the castle nor the monster snake. Say, that snake couldn't have anything to do with Snakey right?

Pervy Sage ended up bringing me and Naruto with him into a bar, where we ended up meeting that lady, whom he was looking for. We sat down and had dinner with them, Naruto almost choked, when Pervy Sage told the lady that the leaf wanted her to be the Hokage. Naruto picked a fight with her, all the while I was playing with the pig, that that lady's friend, Shizune, had with her, it was a really nice pig.

That lady then handed Naruto's ass to him and gave him a week to learn that new jutsu, that he had been training. Which resulted in Naruto training till he fell over, I wasn't even allowed to help him, when that happened. Pervy Sage said, that I would only distract him, perhaps it was only because Pervy Sage didn't know, what I can do.

When the week was over I woke up alone, nobody was in the room and, when I went to the other's rooms, I found them empty too. Where was everybody?

I searched for Naruto's chakra signatur and tracked them down by following it, all the while wondering weither they left me behind on purpose. But I instantly regretted it, when I finally found them. They had been fighting, not against each other, but against Snakey and Kabuto. Naruto had just hit Kabuto with his new jutsu and there were two frogs and a giant snake and giant holes in the ground.

"Nope, I'm so not doing this today." I commented to all the faces, that had turned to me. "I'll just pretend, that I saw nothing and go back to the hotel instead. Ja Ne!"

I was pulled back quickly though, by something slimey that snaked it's way around my waist, before harshly pulling me back. My eyes widdened, when I realized, that it was a tongue . I pulled out a knife and cut it, before I was pulled too close to the owner of the tongue. Then I paniced and pulled and pushed the tongue part, that was still around me, of off me, while chanting 'ew' over and over again, when it finally got of me I jumped away from it in disgust. Only then did I notice the awkward silence.

"Kiko, did you just pull a dagger out of nowhere and cut off a Sanin's tongue?" Pervy Sage asked dumbfolded, breaking the silence.

"Iie." I stated in a 'DUH' voice. "Its a japanese first edition ceramic blade, originally ment for making sushi." The awkward silence fell again. "And just to clarify, last time it was a steak knife, I don't own a dagger anymore, Otou-sensei prefer that I only play with kunai and not kitchen knives or daggers and stuff..."

The silence continued, until Snakey broke it by laughing.

"Isn't it physically impossible to laugh, when your tongue have just been cut off? Well, only some of it, but still?" I asked, causing a lot of sweatdrops to appear and me to eventually shrug, when nobody answered. "So can I go back to the hotel and pretend, that I never saw any of you now?"

"Iie. I don't think, that its a good idea to let you out of my sight right now. You're defiantly not, what I thought..." Pervy Sage said.

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked and tilted my head in a questioning manner, ignoring how Snakey laughed and Kabuto sweatdropped.

"Welcome to the club..." Kabuto muttered to Pervy Sage, who looked at him quickly, before looking at me.

"Just go over there and stand by Tsunade." He said and turned to Kabuto. "So she usually does weird stuff as if its normal?" He whispered back with a side glance at me. "I mean, she didn't flinch, or even look up, when I chased off two members of the Akatsuki, that had forced their way into the hotel room."

"She was provoking them before that, though they didn't seem to mind that, they only got annoyed, when she ignored them." Naruto whispered too from the ground, where he had fallen over, when his body gave in.

Soon a whole conversation about me was going on amongst the two standing males and Kabuto, who was on the ground, so I naturally went to Naruto, the two females and the pig.

"Hi, I'm Kiko Maris Hatake." I greeted them, since I didn't care to do that the first time, that we met.

Now that I think about it, Pervy Sage only know the Kiko part.... Oh well, not my problem, he'll have to ask, if he wanna know.

"You know, that we met a week ago, right?" The blonde woman asked slowly, slightly bothered by the men, that completely lost their wish to fight.

"Hai, but I was slightly distracted by the cute piggy, so I didn't listen." I stated with a grin.

"Say, Kiko, you're not the type to follow a stranger home, just because they've got a cute dog or something, right?" Naruto asked coughing slightly, silencing the other males.

I thought about it for a little while, before I oppened my mouth to answer. "Don't know, but the guy, whom I followed to Konoha, turned out to have a cute doggie and he offered me candy, if I went with him. Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh Kami-sama... I'm telling Sakura and Raven, when we get back, they'll probably be better at this, than I am..." Naruto muttered and sighed, when I giggled at him.

Then the males started talking about me once again, not included Naruto, who just looked up at me from the ground. The women slowly shook the shock of off them and looked at me.

"Well, since you seem interested in knowing us now; I'm Tsunade and this is Shizune and her pig Ton-Ton." She presented herself and her friend, and friend's pig.

"Wanna go find something to eat, I don't think, that they are going to fight anytime soon, they seem more interested in talking about me behind my back." I asked smiling down at Naruto, when he gave me a hurt look, since he couldn't move much and wouldn't be able to come on his own. "Don't worry, I would heal you first."

"You're a medical nin?" Tsunade asked.

I shook my head and took out a water bottle. "Iie, I don't think, that I would be very good at it. Anyway I've never tried to. I usually just use my own little waterbased jutsu."

I quickly healed Naruto, ignoring Tsunade's analysing look. Afterwards we left the three men behind and went to get something to eat, I got dangoes. :)

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin