Playing a game and getting new rules.

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Tsukikos pov:

Down from the hall came a man, it was the Shikaku guy. He stopped, as he noticed the hokage and Kakashi standing in the doorway watching. He borred looked inside, then he walked in.

" Why are you playing against the kid, Ibiki? " He asked and looked at the board.

" She challenged me. " Ibiki answerred short and touched a shogi piece, but he let it go without moving it.

" I see... Want some help? " He asked lazy.

Ibiki was about to say no, but i cut him of. " You can get help, Ibiki, if you want to. As long as you move your pieces. " I said with a small smile and looked up at Kakashi and the old man. " Dont just stand there, come in. "

They slowly came inside and walked closer to board game to follow the game.

" Fine, kid, if you say so. Then yes i would like some help, Shikaku. " Ibiki said and Shikaku moved closer to the board.

Silence fell upon us all as the game continued. Shikaku moved one of Ibikis pieces and i moved one of mine, soon we was in a silent all out war to win the game. Me against Ibiki and Shikaku. Half an hour later i won and Ibiki sighed, Shikaku just looked lazy and amazed. Why would he be amazed? I smiled to Ibiki and Shikaku.

" You guys sure is fun to play with. If i had not seen your trap in time, i would have lost. Thanks for the game. " I said sincerely and smiled at them, i loved to play games!

" Ibiki, how long have you been playing? " The old man asked.

" The last few hours, lord hokage. " Ibiki answered and looked over then board to find out how i 'cheated', which i did not...

" Geez, Ibiki! Do you have to check the board each time? I promise, that i did not cheat! " I stated a little hurt.

" Of cause i have to check! A girl at your age should not be able of winning 16 times in a row agaist a grown up Jounin. And you should defendly not be able to beat Shikaku and me. " He said harshly.

" Okay... No more playing then... " I said sadly and let the shogi board of snow disapear into water, that then flew out the window.

Shikaku's eyes widdend as the snow turned to water, but he was lazy again afterwards. I sighed.

" Can i go back now? " I asked and looked at Kakashi.

" Sure, kiddo. I will be right there. " He said and ruffled my hair, i smiled to him.

" Kid, i did not mean it like that. It is just that you are smarter, then you seem... " Ibiki tried.

" It is fine, Ibiki. I will just stop being 'smart', it is simple. That is what people always tells me to, so there is no problem. I do it all the time. " I said with a fake smile.

" Kiko, two things. One, as your sensei i will not allow you to play dump. And two, Ibiki is naturally suspicious of anything out of the ordinary, he didnt mean that you cheat, he meant that he didnt understand how you could beat him. " Kakashi said.

" Then he could just ask... " I mumled embaressed and continued by stating. " I am born with a high IQ and i got photografic memory. "

The old man smiled. " So we should just ask? Is that so? " He asked more to himself then me, but i nodded anyway.

So aparently that was very fun, because they all laughed a little. I just stood there without understanding what was going on. Kakashi smiled warmly at me.

" We are by the way eating out tonight, Kiko. " He said, i looked curious at him.

" Are we celebrating? " I asked remembering our talk the day before.

" Yes. " He said shortly.

" What are we celebrating? " I asked with a smile.

" We have already talked about it yesterday, we are celebrating that you passed your examen after two days of school. " He said, while Ibiki and the old man looked interessed, Shikaku just looked borred yet amussed.

" Yesterday? Where you took of and left me alone, not knowing what i did? Beside from that dont you remember our talk yesterday? I already told you, i am not worth the trouble. But thanks anyway Kakashi-san. " I said and smiled happyly in the end.

There was quiet in the room and they all stirred at me, i could feel their eyes.

" Okay, now i am getting uncomfortable, so sayonara! " With those words i ran in top speed out of the door.

I heard a chuckle from the room behind me, as i ran and disappeared out on the street. I hid unconsiously in the shadows as i ran all the way to Kakashi's home. There i sat in the garden and enjoyed the weather. Hours later Kakashi came home and locked me in, i followed him in and all the way to the kichen. I already knew that he wanted to talk with me.

" Kiddo, sit down, we need to talk. " He said, didnt i tell you?

I sat down and looked up at him.

" Okay kiddo, lets agree on the term, my house my rules. " He said.

" Hai, Kakashi-san. " I said.

" Good, so what i say is the rules, right? " He asked.

" Hai, Kakashi-san. " I said again.

" Good, now if i say we will celebrate you, then we will do what? " He asked and i sighed.

" Then we will aparently be celebrating me... " I said slowly.

" Good! Now that that is clear, lets go. " He said entusiastic.

" Hai, Kakashi-san. " I said once again and followed him out of the house.

So we ate on a pretty restaurant, the food was amazing! Kakashi even laughed fatherly at me, as i was amazed. He gave me a night, that i will never forget, not even if i wanted to. I had never been in that kind of restaurant before and he made me eat there. I dont know how he do it, but he keep on winning my respect. Now it was late, so we went home and went to bed.

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ