Cat attack and a new mission...

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A few weeks later we had been on a handfull mission and we was on our latest one.

" Distance to the target? " Kakashi asked into the headphone.

" Sakura point A, five meters. Ready. " Pinky said.

" Sasuke point B, five meters. Ready. " Raven said.

" Naruto point C, five meters. Ready too. " Naruto said after a while.

" Naruto, your late! Kiko where is your position? " Kakashi asked.

I had had a stirre down with the target, that i by the way won, and blinked. " Oh right, Kiko point D, five meters. Ready. Wait! " I said and watched the cat slowly make its way towards me. " Four and a half meter, no. Four meters. Ehh, three meters... Still ready..... One and a half meter..... Im starting to think that the target is going to eat me.... A half meter.... Still ready. It is so going to kill me! ....... Ahh, it got me! Im dead! " In the end of my sentence the target jumped at me and i let myself fall backwards.

" Kiko-chan, it is a cat! " Naruto said and grabbed the cat that instantly tried to claw his face out.

" My saviror! " I smiled at him while he was fighting with the cat.

" Is the target confirmed? Is it the lost pet Tora? " Kakashi asked trying to be serious, his voice sounding through the headphones.

" Ribbon on the left ear, the target is confirmed! " Raven stated cooly.

Later at the mission office the fire country stood, Tora was her cat, and she crushed the cat in a killer hug. Naruto meant that it was good for the cat, since it attacked him, but Pinky seemed to feel bad. I didnt say anything, though i sent the cat a 'im sorry'-look which it answerred with a 'are you fucking kidding me!?'-look. So i sighed.

" Now.... Team 7#, your next duty will be..... Hmmmmmm... Babysitting an elder's grandson, shopping in the neighboring village and help with the potato digging. " The old man said while thinking.

But Naruto cut him of by yelling. " NO! NO! NO! NO! No, thank you! I want to do, you know, a more incredible mission!!! Find us a better one! "

Kakashi sighed and Pinky glared, but Raven seemed unfaced by it. Then scarfac-Iruka.... I meant Iruka.... But then Iruka jumped from his sit and started to yell.

" You idiot! You are only a rookie! Everylone starts off with the simple missions and work their way up! " He yelled and the old man sighed.

" But! But! We keep getting the crappiest possible duties! " Naruto screamed and Kakashi hit him on the head.

" Be quiet you! " He said as he did so.

That was when i tiptoed away from the other, only a little though, and acted as if i didnt know them. I didnt really listen to the old man, though i could have repeated it all without a doubt. Then Naruto began to talk about ramen. That is some kind of nudels or something...

Then the old man realised that no one was listening and yelled for us to listen, Kakashi said sorry, but Naruto yelled up again.

" Geez!!! All you do is give lectures like that. But you know what? Im not the trouble making brat as you still think i am! " Naruto yelled, which caused me and the three grown ups to smile, though Kakashi sighed too.

" Ok. If you want it that much. I'll give you a C-rank mission. Its a protection mission of a certain individual. " The old man said and surprised us all.

" Who? A feudal lord? A princess? " Naruto asked almost jumping up and down in happyness.

" Calm down, i'll introduce you to him in a moment. " The old man smiled and Kakashi caught my eye, he wanted to speak with me before we left. " Well you come in? "

Slowly the door oppened and a big guy came in with a beer bottle in his hand, he lurched dramatically to the side and i right on the spot desided his name was: Beer Bum. Hehe, he is going to hate it.

" What is this? Its a bunch of super brats... Especially the shortest one with the super stupid looking face. Are you even a ninja? " Beer Bum asked rude.

" Haha! Who is the shortest one with the stupid face? " Naruto asked and looked around only to realise that it was him. Then he yelled: " I'll kill you! "

Kakashi grabbed his shirt from behind to hold him back as Naruto tried to attack. " Ninjas dont kill the ones they are surpose to pretect! "

" Im the super bridge builder Tazuna and i expect you to provide me with super pretection until i come back to my country and complete the bridge! " Beer Bum said all high and mighty.

" Good, now guys we'll meet by the gates in an hour, so go home and pack. " Kakashi said and turned to leave. " Kiddo, are you coming? "

" Hai!!!" I smiled loud and ran after him out the door, though i saw how Beer Bum jumped.

" When did that kid come here? " He asked sounding scarred, i didnt wait for the answer.

I followed Kakashi all the way home through the shadows and he went to the dinner table as soon as he was inside, so i followed.

" Kiko, i want you to stay hidden and follow us from afar. I want you to be on the lookout, though i need a way for you to tell me if you see anyone or am in troble. Hmmm... Anyway dont come out unless i say so, i dont want them to see you, but if need be you can use long range attacks. You understand? " He asked deadly seriously.

" Hai! " I nodded and smiled at him.

Then i turned away and walked to my room slowly, in my mind i pictured an ice bracelet on Kakashi's wrist. A sound of surprice from behind me told me that it was done.

" Kiddo, what's this? " Kakashi asked and held out his hand with the ice bracelet for me to see.

I looked at his hand, then at him and then i said. " That's our way of contact, silly! When it becomes chilly there is people around, it will feel kind of like metal against the skin. When it becomes cold as the ice it is made of then there is bad people near. And when it gets so cold that it cling to your skin, then im in trouble. Kay? " While saying so i demonstratet the different tempertures from the bracelet.

He just stood there, then he blinked, then he smiled and then he laughed. I leaned my head to the side, then shrugged it of and went to my room to pack. Together we walked to the gates, where i hid in the shadows. Slowly the others showed up and Kakashi said that it was time to go.

"Demo, i dont see Kiko anywhere..." Naruto said and Kakashi nodded.

"And you wont." He said lazy and they began to walk, while i hid in the shadows following them.

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora