I got go idea of what to call this chapter..... Sorry....

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Tsukiko's pov:

I giggled as I ran after Pinky and Beer Bum, we were suppose to watch him, but I was just running around the village, taking it all in.

This village was very much different than the leaf, the poor people was everywhere on the street and they were dying in front of my feet.

In the beginning Pinky had thrown worried looks over her shoulder at me, at the time I had hid my true feelings behind false giggles just as now. But she seemed to have forgotten me.

Not that I minded; I was used to it...

Sensei told me that it didn't matter anymore if Cowboy or 'Dude looks like a lady' saw me, since it wouldn't hurt anymore. I just went along with it and helped where I was asked to, like now going shopping with Pinky and Beer Bum.

The worst part for me about this village was how it reminded me of some of the orphanages and the streets that I had been on. It stirred some memories, that I would rather not remember horrible dark memories.....

Pinky turned into a store and I followed, there wasn't much in the shelfs, yet Beer Bum managed to get what he needed.

I guess he was used to it.

I felt sad inside when I watched the kids in the streets, even the old people were begging for scraps on the street. It was a sad and humiliating life, I knew that.

I knew that because it was once upon a time my life.

I stopped as I felt eyes on me and looked the way I knew they would be, my eyes were met with curious eyes belonging to 'Dude looks like a lady'. We stood a little looking at each other; did he know that it was me?

"Kiko! Come on! We are leaving!" Pinky yelled as she was walking by BeerBum's side back to his house.

I forced my eyes away from 'Dude looks like a lady', eventhough he tried to keep it caught with his own, and looked after Pinky.

"Hai!!! Coming!" I yelled after her as I turned my back at 'Dude looks like a lady' and ran after her.

He had seen how I looked at those people; I knew that from the look in his eyes.

He knew that I had once lived like that.

Just like I knew he had too.

It takes one to know one.

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu