I present the team! And my FIRST APOLOGY EVER!

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Tsukiko's pov:

After lunch we had to go meet our Sensei's, so we, the team, meet at the classroom door. And we sat and waited, not even talking for a while. Then Naruto and Pinky lost their patience.

" Why is our Sensei the only one, that is not here? All the others have already left! " Was said from the front class, where the two stood.

Now who is it, that being late remind me of? Hmmm, that is a tough one. Could it be Kakashi?

" Naruto! What are you doing. " Pinky almost screamed, while Naruto was placing a eraiser on the doorframe.

It was placed, so that the eraiser would fall down, when the door oppend.

" That is what he gets for being late! " Naruto said and i sighed.

" Its a Jounin, Naruto! He is not going to fall for that! " Pinky screamed at Naruto.

Somebody stopped outside on the hall, listening to Sakura screaming, then he lazy oppened the door and let the eraiser hit him on his white gravity denying hair. I blinked surprised, it was Kakashi that stood infront of us.

"Hmm how shall I say this... My first impression is... I don't like you guys. " He said lazy, i saw his eyes fell on me and he winked. I smiled to him, as he said. " Come on lets go to the roof. "

And we all followed him silently. On the roof all of us students sat on the staircase, looking at Kakashi. The line was Naruto, Pinky, Raven and then me.

" Now lets introduce ourself. " Kakashi said and Naruto yelled.

" Why dont you go first, Sensei? "

Then Pinky joined in. " Yeah, you look kind of suspicious... "

" Alright, my name is Hatake Kakashi. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't like talking about his likes and his dislikes, my dreams are none of your business and I have many hobbies, none of which I want to tell you.'' Kakashi said and i sniggered, which caused him to smile.

" The only thing he told us was his name.... " Naruto mumbled.

" Now lets go on with the introductions, you're up blondie. " Kakashi said and pointed at Naruto.

" My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen. I hate the three minutes you have to wait while the water boils. And my dream is to one day become a Hokage. Then everyone will have to respect me at last. " Naruto said and Kakashi nodded.

" Any hobbies? " Kakashi asked.

" Pranks, i quess. " Naruto answerred.

" Alright, then you. " Kakashi said pointing to Pinky.

" I'm Haruno Sakura, the thing I like is....Well, the person I like is....Umm should I say my dream for the future? Oh my!!" She said, while she kept looking at Raven.

" And your dislikes? " Kakashi asked borred.

" Naruto! " She yelled, causing Naruto to fall backwards in despair.

" Okay, then you. " Kakashi said and pointed to Raven.

" My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone. " Raven said and it became quiet.

" Good then, now you. " Kakashi said and pointed at me.

" Okay, well... My name, well the name i use, is Kiko Maris Hatake, aparently... I guess, that there is a lot of things i like and dislike... I like my hobbies and my hobbies is something, that i like. Hmm, my dream? Well, i once had a dream, now i got a new one and that is to protect the old one. " I stated with my child like voice and the others starred at me.

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon