Presentation and a new friend.

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I walked down a random street and saw a sad kid around my age alone on a swing. I went to stand right behind him, before i talked:

" Hej boy, who are you? "

He got starled, but then looked back at me. Surprise showing when i startet to push the swing to get him swinging.

" My name is Uzumaki Naruto, belive it! I am going to be the hokage someday. But who are you? " He asked.

" Hej Naruto-niichan, i am me and im normally knowned as Kiko. That is not my real name, but i go by it Kiko Maris. So Naruto-niichan, what are you doing? " I smiled whole heartet to him and his face turned into a grant grin. I knew how it was to be an outsider, so i understood.

" I am aparently swinging on this swing, being pushed by you. " He was clearly grinning and i smiled softly. " So Kiko-chan, are you staying here for long? "

" I dont know, maybe. I have to make a camp somewhere and i need to find some water to my arm. " I said honestly, but when he seemed sad again i sighed. " Fine, im staying for a while... Aparantly...."

He grinned again, i must admit i like this kid, happy even when being sad. Respect! He then began pulling me somewhere, what is it with people in this town always dragging me somewhere... But its okay, it makes him happy.

" I dont know why you need water, but you can take just as much as you want at my place! Belive it! " I grinned with him, so that was why he was dragging me, how sweet!

We quickly got to Naruto's apartment and he pulled me to the kichen with the tap. I smiled a thanks, before i turned the water on and held my arm under the water. Naruto gasped, when he saw my arm and again came a gasp when i used 'Suiton: Mizu kōka' and the water ran up my arm. It went allover my body, without making my cloths wet, and healed all the wounds Ibiki had made. I stayed with Naruto for some time and he seemed happy with that, i even sendt him to bed and stayed till he fell a sleep. Then i left and walked down the streets, when suddenly a tired looking Ibiki and a fist pumping Guy drooped down on the street next to me.

" Hej... " I waved awkwardly at them.

" You sure is an awkward kid... Come on we're going to the hospital now! " Ibiki said trying to be scary.

" Ibiki, i am not an awkward kid, i will not go to the hospital and i am not afraid of you, so stop trying to intimidate me. So... Bye! " I said and then i ran down the street. I heard them give chase and i speeded up. It was fun being chased down the street, but i was tiret and had not sleeped in three nights. And then i did not know the city, so i had the disadvance. Yuck! So of cause the fun had to stop, some dude with a sick shadow caught me. But he sure was cheating! Catching me by my shadow, that is low! Kakashi was with him smiling, son of a bicth, he planned this!

" Thanks Shikaku, i appreciate it. " He said before jumping down to me, before i knew it he had me hanging over his shoulders like a dead dear or something. " Now kiddo, we are going to the hospital. "

" But i dont wanna! " I whined loud and broke free from Shikaku's shadow jutsu thingy...

He laughed at me and i gave in. I did not want to go there, but i gave in. I sighed loud and clearly, but i stayed dead-dear-ish over Kakashi's shoulder. Ibiki and Guy finally caught up to us, and i stocked my tongue out at them.

" How can a kid like that be this troublesome? What a drag... " Shikaku sighed and followed us. " How old is she anyway? "

They looked funny, not knowing me age, jesus, they did not even know my name. Ibiki looked at me. " Kid... " He said slowly and i looked up at him with a humorous twinkle in my eye.

" Sorry Ibiki, cant talk, i am busy being a dead dear.... " I said and let my face fall down, once again facing Kakashi's back.

" How can you be this heavy, kiddo? " Kakashi asked me quietly and i laughed awkwardly, earning a suspicious look.

He then shrugged it of and i was left alone to be a dead dear. So i guess that my weights, my hidden knifes and my bag was heavier then i thought. Then again i have no problems with carrying it all.
Finally we were where we were surpose to be. The goddamn hospital! And then they turned around, put me down and let me leave and i lived happy ever after far away from the hospital! Not! They just went in there with me still dragged over Kakashi's shoulders like a dead dear look alike. Oh, and aparently i already had a room there, great, just great...
The old man hokage waited for me in 'my room', he sat in a chair on one side of the room. Kakashi carefully laid me on 'my bed' and the old man hokage looked at me, while i was a dead dear.

" Kid, stop playing and start acting your age. You must be older then you look. " Shikaku said and i did not move at all.

At least not before Kakashi sighed: " Kiddo, would you please sit up and talk to us? "

That was not fair, i could not say no, when he was this nice to me. No one els had ever been that nice to me.

" Fine... " I said and sat up in the oppesite end of the bed then the foot of the bed. I looked right at them. " Now what do you guys want to talk about? "

The old man hokage looked sadly at me, taking in how my safety barriers was rising. " Child, trust us. We dont want to hurt you."

" Oh of cause, why would i even think that? " I said sarcasticly with a pointing look at Guy and Ibiki. " Its not like you stabbed my hut, attacked me or tortured me. Oh no not at all, now where would i get thise crazy ideas from? Rule forty, if it seems like someone's out to get you, they are. "

" Rule forty? " The old man hokage asked and Ibiki answerred:

" Yes, she seems to have a set of rules she follows. In interrogation she told me about Rule sixteen, that is:' if someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it.' " I nodded showing that it was right.

" Alright then, i apologies for it all. " The old man said.

" Rule forty-two, never accept a apology from someone who just sucker punched you. " I said in a matter-of-speaking voice. " Oh and by the way, Rule six, Never say you're sorry its a sign of weakness. "

This got me a few interested looks from the guys and a heartly chuckle. " So you never says sorry? " He asked interested.

" I personally believe, that if you trust somebody, then you can show them your weakness's as you please. The rule is to make you remember never to say sorry to someone, that could be a potential threat. You should never say sorry to a person you dont trust, but this is a rule to break if needed. But to answer your question, no i have never said that i was sorry to anybody. And i dont think i will... " I said and he nodded.

" Would any of these rules of yours be a problematic factor for us? " Old man said.

" No i dont think so. " I said.

" Good, now sweetheart. Where is your parents? " Old man said

" I am not sure. Firstly because i am a little lost, secondly i think they may be dead and thirdly i dont know them and i dont remember them. That much.... " I said.

" So where do you live? " Old man said

" As i said i am lost, so i dont live anywhere.... But before that i lived in fostercare, though i was going to run away, so being lost is not that bad. " I said.

" Going to run away? Do you run away often? " Ibiki said.

" I am not going to answer you! " I said crossing my arms.

" Why not? " Ibiki asked.

" Because i told you, i will not answer your question, before you answers mine! You know ladies first. " I said.

" Oh Kami, are you still on about that. " Ibiki asked.

" Yes! Yes, i am! " I said.

" Why did you not just answer the question, Ibiki? " Kakashi asked.

" It is impossible to answer... " Ibiki said.

" Kiddo, can we hear the question, maybe one of us can answer you. " Kakashi asked.

" Okay, again, again! I said: 'No shit sherlock! We both know, that you know, that i know, that you know, that i know, that you know, that i speak. Now the question is: Why did you not know, that you know, that i know, that you know, that i know, that you know, that i speak. But instead you thought that you knew, that i knew, that you knew, that i knew, that you knew, that i dont speak. When clearly i do speak, but clearly i did not speak earlier... But you are the profesionel, so why didnt you know that you know, that i know, that you know, that i know, that you know, that i speak when i dont. Should you not know something like that? Or are you the person to think that you know, that i know, that you think that you know, that you know, what i know? Perhaps you are the person to make me think, that you know, that i know, what i know, when i dont know, but you know, that i know, that you know, that i clearly know, when clearly i dont know? You know?' So? " I said and the old man chuckled once again, while Kakashi was in deep thought.

After a long silent while where every one was trying to answer my question,
Kakashi spoke up: " I think he would be a mix between the person to make you think, that he knows, that you know, what you know, when you dont know, but he knows, that you know, that he knows, that you clearly know, when clearly you dont know and the person that make you think, that he knows, when you act like you dont know, what you know and by that way get to know. But that is just what i think, that i know... " I laughed clearly, he not only gave me a meaning ful answer, but he made fun of it too.

" Are you sure? Because i think he might be the person that makes you think, that he knows, because he dont know, while he then wants to know, he makes you think, that he knows, what you know and he gets to know like that, because he knows, that you think, that he knows and thereby he knows. You know? " I said laughing and he smiled.

" That may be a part of it too... " He admidded scratching the back of his head.

" What just happened? " Ibiki and Guy asked, while Shikaku just stirred borred into the air.

" Kakashi answerred your question, Ibiki. Meaning that you now can ask questions. " The old man said and i nodded, while grinning.

" Okay then, do you often run away? " Ibiki asked.

" I would not say often... I have not been running away the last year.... " I said.

" But you where going to? " Ibiki asked, holding onto a hunch.

" Yes, i probably was going to. " I said.

" If you wanted to run away, why have you not done that already? " Kakashi asked, catching onto Ibikis hunch.

" I could not.... " I said looking away.

" Why not? " Kakashi asked.

" Well, i was under surveillance... " I said awkwardly, not looking at them.

" Why? " Ibiki asked cautiously.

" I may have, just a little bit, kind of blowend up a school, but nobody was hurt, it was in a holiday and the school was closed! " I said.

" Why did you do that, kiddo? " Kakashi asked, while the others stayed quiet.

" Well, i had been reading about bombmaking, so i broke in to a closed school to make it. And i had heard a lot of bad things about school, so i thought why not. If school was that bad, then it would for sure be alright. Thats what i thought, so i blew it up and got caught. " I said shamefully.

" Why did you not know, that schools alright? " Kakashi said silently.

" Well, how would i? I have never been to school. As an orphan, i was not allowed in school... So i had never been in a school before i blew up that school... " I said shameful for more then one reason now.

" So you have never went to school? " The old man hokage said and Kakashi continued for him: " All children have to have some sort of education. "

I smiled a small smile, happy that they changed the topic. " Dont worry about me, i learn fast and will just find a lowpaid job, where you do not need a education. Simple as that. "

" No, that will not do! How about going to school here? " Old man hokage said.

" No thanks, its fine. Im used to it, so please dont worry. Besides i dont really plan on staying and you guys dont really know me, just like i dont know you. And i dont plan on being a bother, so i would just leave tonight or maybe tomorrow... " I said sadly revealing some of my low self-esteem. Five pair of eyes widdend at me, while i sat on the bed fragile and vulnerable for once.

" What is your name, kiddo? " Kakashi asked softly.

I oppened my mouth to answer, but closed it again. I really wanted to tell them my real name. " I really want to answer, but i can only give you guys the name i go by and not my real name... " I faintly said.

Kakashi looked sad at me and asked: " Why not? "

I desided to tell the truth. " I am not allowed. A lady, maybe my mother, once told me never to tell anyone. If it helps anything, i do really want to tell you. "

The old man hokage looked sad, while Kakashi kneeled down infront of me and looked me in the eyes. " Kiddo, we promise not to tell anybody at all. Will you tell us? "

The look in his eye told me that he meant it, i slowly looked to the others and they all nodded. " I guess, but you cant tell anyone! As i said i have a name i go by, its: 'Kiko Maris', i made that up. My real name is Tsukiko. Tsukiko Yuzuki. "

The silence was overwhelming and i just sat there, while they stirred at me. The wind from the open window gently played with my hair, that by the way was a very light brown. I should coler it again soon.

" How old are you, Tsukiko? " The old man asked.

" Just kiko, please. And i just filled 11, not so long ago. " I answerred.

" Of cause, my bad. So what would you say about staying here? You will not be a bother to us. You can even start class, i will borrow you some books so that you can catch up with the others, what do you say? " The old man said.

I sighed. " You are not going to let go, are you? " He shook his head with a smile.

" Neither of us will. " Kakashi said smiling.

" Really? " I asked and, when they all confirmed, i blushed. " Thanks, but i will only be a bother, so dont worry... " I wanted to say some more, but i was cut off.

" Kiko, we dont take no for an answer! " Kakashi said strictly and i weakly nodded.

" Okay, fine... " I gave up, that never happened before.

" Good, now we just need to find a place, where you can live and get a doktor to look at your arm. " The old man hokage said.

" My arm is fine and i can just build a new hut in the wood. " I said, but they did not agree with me.

" Give me your hand then. " Ibiki said and i let him take my hand, then he examined my arm before he continued with wonder. " Shes right, her arm is fine. "

" Of cause it is! " I said proudly and Kakashi liftet an eyebrown at me.

" Medical jutsu? " He asked.

" No i dont think so. I use water to heal wounds, its called: 'Suiton: Mizu kōka'. I invented it myself. " I said proutly and he smiled to me.

" I would like to see that in action once. " He said.

" Will do! " I smiled.

So i felt goddamn tiret and would probably not be able to create my hut again. How wonderful, i guess i will be sleeping in a tree tonight. I yawned again, surely looking like a little kid. Kakashi smiled at me and Ibiki and Shikaku chuckled. The old man hokage tousled my hair, while laughing fatherly.

" I will send some books over to you, you can stay here tonight and tomorrow you will begin in the akademi. I will get an anbu to bring you to the akademi and to pick you up afterwards. You will be brought to my office and we will find you a place to live. Sleep well, the books should be here in ten minutes. " The old man said and they all left, exept Kakashi.

" I never got to buy you those dangos. How about i buy some and come by with them tomorrow morning? " He asked softly.

I smiled at him and nodded grateful. Then i took my bag, oppened it and found a blond haircoler, that i brought with me to the bathroom. Kakashi looked curious at my bag, probably remembering how heavy i was.

" Just go ahead. " I surprising said to him while pointing to my bag. " But dont break anything. "

He smiled at me and took a hold of my bag, slowly taking thing after thing out. I then closed my door, colered my hair ashe blonde and then i took a shower. One problem, my cloth was unbelieveable dirty.

" Hej kiddo! The books the hokage sendt have just come, he sendt you some clean cloth too. Do you want it now? " Kakashi asked, i oppened the door and i hid behind the door and Kakashi seemed to understand, because he quickly laid a stack of cloth on the little table before leaveing the bathroom.

I closed the door and went to look at the cloth. There was a lot of cloth, almost all dresses, in the end i chose a light purple stropless dress. The dress showed my shoulders, had long sleaves and was hold up by the underdress, that was black with strops. There also were spagettistrops binding each sleave and infront of my boobs. I liked this dress, i did not even what to change the coler of the dress. After i had hidden all of my knifes on me again and taken my weights on again, i picked up all the cloth and went back into the bedroom. I grinned loudly when i saw my bed. Kakashi was sitting in the middel of my bed with my bag in his lap, one of my skechblogs in his hands and almost everything from my bag scattered all over the bed. The old man hokage was back, he sat in a chair next to the bed with one of my notesblogs in his hands.

" Your hair its diffrend. " Kakashi stated looking up from my sketchblog. " These drawings is really good, Kiddo. "

" For a girl that have never been in school, you sure is smart. " The old man too stated looking up from my notesblog. " That dress suits you. "

" Thanks... " I muttered embaressed while blushing.

They softly laughed at me, i looked away and snatched a new couple of contacts and my hairbrush.

While brushing my hair, i asked. " Have you found everything yet? " With a look at my bag.

" I think so. " Kakashi said and i grinned.

" No, you have not. You lack 3 hidden bombs, 11 knifes and 1 hidden book of bombmaking. " I grinned at him, while showing him where each and every item was as i mentioned them.

" I can see how this bag added to your weight, but there is still something missing... " He said wondering and i smiled.

" Rule nine, never go anywhere without a knife. Besides you should never hide all your weapons the same place. " I stated and Kakashis eye widdend.

" So it is all weapons? " He asked.

" That and training weights. " I once agian stated.

I always wore heavy weights on my arms and legs. So to show him i took of one of my arm ones and passed it to him. His eye widdend again when he felt how heavy it was and he passed it to the old man, whos eyes widdend too. Then i got it back and put it on again.

" Okay, you better get some sleep. Kakashi will follow you to the akademi tomorrow and an anbu will pick you up. Night Kiko. " The old man said and left, Kakashi too left after he wished me a good night.

I smiled after them and then cleaned up the mess they had made of my stuff. I put my new blue contacts on the nightstand, everything else went into my bag and then i took the books the old man had brought me. I did not get to read any of them, because i was to tiret.

But the next morning i woke up early and started to read the books, memorising them through my photografic memory and shadowclone jutsu...

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