Kakashi's pov, once again!!! O_o

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Kakashi's pov:

I stood watching the team train, thinking about when Kiko would be back, when i heard a violent sound from the tree tops. It surprised me that the kids didn't notice...

I looked up seeing nothing, but i could hear it. It was the sound of someone falling, then i heard the sound of hand and feets pressed against the tree infront of me.

I smiled softly under my mask as i realised, that it was Kiko.

"You know, when i said to hurry, i didn't mean that you should put your life on the line like that." I said with a bored tone, though i was rather amused.

I heard her jump of off the tree, before she turned to me and deactivated her jutsu and became visible.

"I didn't mean to. It just happened, when i tried to get away from the 'Dude looks like a lady'-guy. But i'm here now, that's good, right?" She paused a little and smiled. "How's the team?"

Clearly she had yet to see them behind her, it was rather amusing. Normally something that obvious would never have slipped her attention, she must be very tired not to notice.

"Look behind you." I told her amused and watched her turn and scare the shit out of her team mates by cheering them on.

I chuckled at her, she was just a kid, even though she seemed like an adult sometimes. Sometimes you had to remind yourself, that she was indeed a child and not a grown up.

She was my child.

I smiled as she watched all the members of the team fall to their asses and look her way in shock, then she just turned to me like nothing happened.

"Before i forget, here you go." She said and handed me her sketchblog, i smiled at her and oppened the sketchblog on the last page she had drawn on, it was marked with a bookmark.

I quickly flipped through the pages, the sketches were amazing as always, i stopped at the first one containing Zabuza. It was the fight between me and him, there were various sketches of him alone, me alone or him and me together.

I stopped by one sketch of the water jutsu, that i copied from Zabuzu.

We stood on opposite sides of each other with the moving water inbetween us. Zabuza was drawn with heavy strokes of the pencil and lots of shadows, while i was lighter and make with soft carefull strokes.

It was beautifully done.

I took it out of the sketchblog with carefull movements to not break it, she had turned to the others again so she didn't notice. I smiled at it and put it in my pocket, the next page showed two smaller drawing just like he former one, only very small things about it was changed from drawing to drawing.

I smiled softly and flipped the pages slowly, stopping as i reached one with the hunter nin and Zabuza in a clearing. So he was alive afterall.

I chuckled lowly, when i realised how close she had had to be to them. Ibiki and Anko would be proud of her, when they got to know.

I looked over at Kiko, just in time to see Sakura join in the group hug, that Kiko was in charge for.

She seemed to ignore that Naruto was hugging Sakura, that Sakura was hugging Sasuke and that Sasuke wasn't really into the hug.

She was just smiling softly, happely.

She looked up and met my eye, sending me a soft smile which i returned.

There seemed to be a light, a happiness in her eyes.

Lately it had only grown stronger and i was proud to be part of the reason why.

Kiko Maris or whatever.......Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora