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More months had passed at this point, Pietro becoming unable to walk more than a couple steps while being held up entirely. He couldn't get out of bed at all on his own, needing help with most everything.

He stirred awake one morning to Clint untangling himself from the blankets. "Nyet...vernis." He spoke sleepily.

The archer turned to him, cupping his cheek and kissing the other man softly. "I've gotta go to training, sweetheart. Go back to sleep, I'll be back before you wake up."

"Mhh, but you're so warm." The smaller whined. "I do not want to be away from you. I come with?" The small smile melted Clint.

He just nodded, gently sitting the other up against the headboard. He walked to the closet in his boxers, getting dressed quickly before returning to put a hoodie on Pietro, brushing the hair out of his face. He lifted the man in the loose hoodie, making sure he was comfortable. The chair Stark had built him sat unused in the corner, Pietro instead opting to be carried by his boyfriend around the tower.

"You're like a sack of bricks." Clint teased, earning a scoff from the other.

"Sounds like you're getting old, old man." Pietro quipped back, voice quiet and slurred.

Wanda was in the kitchen, eating an apple as the two entered. She took a second to stroke her brother's hair fondly. "You're joining us today?"

The other twin hummed affirmatively, leaning into her touch. "Did not want to be alone."

It broke Wanda's heart, seeing her twin like that. The hurt lessened over time, changed, but it stung just the same. "Of course, brother. I'm happy to show off for you." She smiled.


He was propped up on the bleachers, snug with a blanket. He watched Clint run the track with the team, an ache in his chest. The lack of mobility was devastating, his energy building and all he could do was vibrate to let it out. It crawled under his skin, an itch that couldn't be scratched. His back ached, hips tight from his inability to move.

Clint jogged up to him at the next water break, sweaty and panting. "What'd you think of that, speedy?"

"You call that running? I could beat you right now if that's the best you've got." The sokovian prodded, a lopsided smile coming to his lips.

"Wanna race?" The archer stretched, a flash of his stomach showing.

"Yes, just let me get up." Pietro grinned and Clint bent down to kiss him, threading fingers through the silver locks. The younger weakly tangled his fingers in the archer's shirt. He shook quickly, blue mist rising.

"One more set, then we'll get some of your energy burned off. Okay?" With one more quick kiss, Clint pulled back and ran back to the track.

Before long, he was back.

"Okay, you ready 'Silver?" Waiting for the slow nod, the archer lifted him to his feet.

His steps were slow and disjointed, breath heavy against Clint's ear as he held him up. He saw Wanda watching from across the track, felt her presence in his mind. Stop, sister. Do not torture yourself

It is only right for me to be here for you through this. He heard her reply. Grimacing, he stopped, slack against Clint. "I can't. No more."

"It's okay. That was good, you did good." The older pressed a kiss to his cheek. He lifted the other man, he was unhealthily light.

"Wanda.. in my head. She can feel this." He managed, panting. "Please. I have to talk with her."

Clint nodded, carrying him into the elevator and onto the main floor. He set the other onto the couch, making sure he was comfortable. "I'll go find her for you."

It didn't take long. He found her in her room, heaving large sobs. "Clint." She whispered. "His pain."

"I know." He sat by her. "I know. Just breathe, kid. Deep breaths."

"The effort it takes for a single step, it outweighs any exhaustion he's experienced before." She shudders.

"He's worried about you. He's asking for you." Clint rubs her back. At the statement, Wanda lets out a sad laugh.

"Of course," she stands. "Of course he worries for me, even now."

She goes to her brother without another thought. She finds him curled on the couch, eyes glazed with fatigue. He'd become so thin, so small. She sat by him, leaning her head into his chest.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself, going into my head to feel my pain." He twirled a strand of her hair.

"I can't let you bear it alone." She took his hand. "Let me be with you through this. Let me know how you truely feel."

Pietro sighed. "This is not fair to you. Disease will take me from you, that will hurt you more than I am hurting." He lifted her hand and she could feel the strain, the older twin pressing a kiss to the back of her palm.

"I do not care about my hurt, brother. You are suffering and there is no thing I can do. Don't worry for me. Not this time." She lifted her head to look at him. The dark marks under his eyes magnified the pain that shined in them.

"I will always worry for you, mladshaya sestra. Always." He leaned into her this time, rubbing her arm.

The two stayed like that, watching something on tv. After a while, Pietro shifted slightly, biting back a noise of pain. "How can I help? Please, let me." Wanda's eyes widened.

"My back. Hips too. Need to lay down." He mumbled reluctantly. He hissed as his sister tenderly laid his back on the couch, stretching his legs over hers. He let out another whine, eyes screwing up. "It will pass."

He relaxed slowly, eyes closing.

Within minutes he was snoring softly, wheezing weakly on exhale. Clint came in quietly after a bit, careful not to disturb him after realizing his boyfriend laid asleep.

"How'd it go?" Clint spoke in a hushed tone.

"He worries more of me than he does of his future."

"Does that really suprise you?" It was known that the now small and frail man had placed himself firmly at the bottom of the food chain. Everyone came before him in his mind. He would happily protect anyone he loves with no matter the costs.

She shook her head, motioning for the archer to sit.

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