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Hours passed and Pietro started to worry. The mind numbing television droned in the background as his thoughts raced.

What if they were hurt, what if they had been captured, what if they were dead.

The comms were hushed static, logically he knew it was a stealth mission so that was unsurprising. But still, his finger twitched in blue mist driven by anxiety. He was still caught up in his head when he heard it: the front doorknob jingling. That wasn't right, each member had a key. As he continued to think about possibilities, the door creaked open.

There was no greeting, no 'honey, I'm back' just silence and muted footsteps. His breathing quickened. He hoped that whoever it was wouldn't search the house, wouldn't find him, wouldn't set a trap he knew Clint and Wanda would fall into without fail. But his hopes were in vain as he watched the bedroom doorknob slowly twist. In walked a shorter lady with long, black hair and a bow and arrow strapped to her back. She jumped back as she realized she wasn't alone in the room. "Jesus, you scared me! Who're you?"

Pietro's eyebrows knit together. "Who are you?"

"Oh! Kate, Kate Bishop. I'm here to help, I swear. Clint sent me back here for some hearing aid batteries." She looked hurt as he continued to scrutinize her.

He cleared his throat lightly, not entirely buying it but the kid seemed innocent enough. If Clint really had sent her, she must be incredibly trustworthy to have earned access to this location. "Nightstand. Top drawer."

She riffled through the pill bottles and various odds and ends till the withdrew her hand with a triumphant 'aha!'

"Well, is that all you come for?" His voice takes on an annoyed edge. He was tired, in pain, and not in the mood for surprise guests.

She feigns hurt. Yeah, Barton definitely sent her. "So eager to get rid of me, huh? This show sucks, by the way." She adds as an afterthought.

"I'm aware." Pietro tries his best to sound intellible. "Better than staring at blank wall though."

"What's your name, dude?" She hops up to sit on the bed as though they're old friends. "Clint didn't say nothing about a guy at the safehouse."

"Mh, he didn't want others..." a breath. "To hear. Name is Pietro."

"Pietro." She rolled the name off her tongue, pronouncing it very well for an american. "Nice name."

He gave a small smile. "Thank you, Kate Bishop."

She was somehow more nonchalant than Nat, no sad look to her eyes. "You need anything before I head back?"

"Nyet, spasibo." He sighed as she gave a clueless look. "No, thanks"

She just shrugged, stretching and getting off the bed. Pietro listened for the front door to close and lock before relaxing. That was, until he heard her voice over comms. "Clint! You didn't tell me safehouse guy was hot!"

The sokovian laughed quietly. "Thank you again, Kate Bishop."

"Ah! I didn't know you had a comm." He heard Clint snort in response.

"That's my boyfriend. Sorry Katie, he's taken." She squealed at the archer's words.

"That's so cute! Why didn't you tell me!"

"This is why, I assume." Pietro's voice was breathy and slurred, but somehow Kate just naturally understood him.

"Mhm. You're no fun, either of you."


The team returned early that night, hushed voices in the hall before Clint entered his lover's room. "We gotta move, this safehouse is compromised. We're gonna stay at Katie's for the night and then regroup in the morning."

"Okay." The smaller spoke quietly. He was exhausted.

Clint lifted him carefully, kissing his soft lips. "We'll go back for your chair. Its not gonna do much good at Kate's anyway."

He carried the other to the car, Wanda waiting in the seat by next to her brother's. She buckled him and ensured he was as comfortable as he could be.

Kate got in shotgun, Natasha sandwiched on the other side of Pietro to give him extra stability. Clint ran back from the house with a backpack that was certainly filled with those orange pill bottles Kate saw earlier, jumping into the car. Without another word they were off, taking winding back roads and convoluted shortcuts. The archer was a master at shaking a tail, and he sure as hell was doing that now. Still, Kate babbled lightheartedly.

"I can't believe you never told me about Pietro! How long have y'all been together?" She looked to Clint.

"Six years." Pietro mumbled, pain tinging his words. The bumpy dirty backroads did his pain levels no favors. Wanda hushed him softly, telling him to relax in their native language.

Kate's jaw dropped. "Six years! Clint-" she socked him in the arm. "-why haven't you proposed yet?"

The atmosphere in the car changed quickly, Kate taking note and opening her mouth to try to salvage the situation. Clint just tensed, breathing a heavy sigh. He shot her a look as if to say 'don't'.

"I was going to." The silver haired man spoke so softly, holding back a groan of agony. "Before. Not enough time now."

Katie looked back at him, eyes still empty of pity. In them, something else grew. Something he couldn't quite place. Empathy, maybe. "How long?"

"Kate, stop-" the archer snapped, his boyfriend interrupted him; a gasp before he spoke. "A year. Less or more."

Now he saw it. Not pity, but sorrow. "I'm sorry."

Clint pulled into the parking lot, stopping and roughly opening the door. "Everyone out."

He waited for everyone to exit the car. Pietro waved off Wanda, who then went to follow the others. He cried out as his lover lifted him, soft whines sounding from the back of his throat. "Eto bol'no..."

"I know sweetheart. Breathe for me, just gotta carry you up these stairs and then I can get you comfy." Clint matched every stare they got, fiercely protecting his love. He soothed him every step of the way, all the way up the three flights of stairs to Kate's place. By the time they got there, tears streamed down Pietro's face. He immediately went to Kate's bedroom, lying him down and getting him situated on the purple sheets. The sokovian near screamed as he was moved, Wanda running to his side. He started to protest, but she just put her hand to his chest.

She started to release the red mist as she spoke. "I already feel it, brother."

Moments later he'd relaxed, eyes half lidded. The pain was manageable now. "Thank you."

Kate stood in the doorway. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be-" a weak breath. "-ridiculous. Not your fault."

Clint sat by him, stroking his cheek tenderly. His breathing was shallow, short wheezes. "Catch your breath, love. Don't worry about talking."

"Thirsty." He panted, eyes flickering to his love.

The archer nodded, reaching into the backpack and pulling out a plastic water bottle, straw taped to the side. He opened it, inserting the straw and helping his partner get it into his mouth. It was incredibly rare Kate saw this side of the older. Snarky, sarcastic, and aloof were all natural for him. But caring, loving, and domestic? She'd never seen such a potent display from him. She continued to observe as the younger man began to cough, water spilling from his mouth.

Clint just soothed him, kisses to his temple as he patted the other's back. Once the choking fit ended, he tenderly wiped his lover's face with the hem of his shirt. "It's okay, love. It's alright. Do you need anything?"

"You." Pietro sniffed. "Light off."

Clint did just that, closing the door and getting into bed to cuddle Pietro. He tangled their limbs together, laid facing the other so the shared the same breath. "Love you."

"Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu." Pietro responded sleepily.

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