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The meeting with the wedding planner was awkward to say the least.

She just didn't seem to understand that although Pietro was very ill and needed a lot of support, he was in fact fully aware of his surroundings. Wanda was also present, although having to leave at multiple points to cool off from the anger that seeing her brother treated as an invalid sparked.

She showed pictures of different flower displays, speaking only to Clint.

He turned to Pietro, who was wrapped in a fuzzy, pale blue blanket. "What do you think, babe? I kinda like this one." He pointed to the one in the first column and second row.

It was a flower display with white daisies, blue peonies and roses of various shades interspersed with small white flower buds. Pietro admired it for a second. "Is perfect... with some... purple. Your color."

"Great idea, honey." He kissed his lover's cheek. "We'll do this one, with some purple accents as well as the blue."

She nodded, scribbling onto her note pad. Wanda reentered the room, sitting by her brother and brushing a strand of hair from his face. His eyes were hooded, draped with dark circles. "You need a break, Piet."

"Nyet... am fine." His blinks were slow, sleepy. "Have to... finish."

"Okay, speedy. Just don't push yourself too hard." Clint threaded fingers through the silver locks.

They continued to plan, Wanda agreeing to just communicate telepathically for her brother and tell the others what he thought as talking had become exhausting for the older twin. He just looked lovingly toward his archer, the soothing feeling of fingers brushing through his hair beginning to lull him to sleep. His eyes were barely open, mind growing fuzzy with pain and tiredness. When Clint took his hand away he whined at the loss of contact.

"Hey, do you mind if we pick this up again tomorrow? If I gotta look at another catalog I think I'm gonna lose it." The older man knew his lover would be embarrassed if his illness was the reason behind them stopping.

The lady began to pack up. "Of course. Same time?"

"Yeah, that'll work fine." Clint spoke as he cupped his fiance's cheek, rubbing a thumb along his cheekbone.

After she left, Pietro let out a groan of pain. "Clint..."

His sister fretted over him. "It's his hips and legs. He needs to go lie down." She rubbed his arm comfortingly as he whined.

The archer took him back to the bedroom, biting back tears as the sokovian cried as he was lifted. "Ah, Mne bol'no... pomogi mne."

"I know, honey. I'm sorry." The younger man's legs were tight, muscles contracted with disuse. Clint wedged a pillow under his love's knees, the cries dying down slightly. He drew up medicine, administering it quickly.

"Mh, love you." The smaller murmured. He smiled, if what was within his capabilities now could be called that.

Clint kissed him, scratching his scalp lightly in the way he knew Pietro absolutely loved. "I love you too, sweetheart. So much."

He cuddled into his other half, continuing to pet his hair and pepper him with kisses as the sokovian fell asleep. He stayed with him, breathing in his scent, feeling his warmth. Pietro's time had been turning more into suffering and bad days than good ones recently, and the notion raked it's claws against the inside of Clint's chest. His lover, his best friend, had nothing more to look forward to most days than agonising pain and fatigue. He spent most of his time now sleeping, or drugged to the point he couldn't follow a simple sentence just so he wouldn't feel the burning pain in his back and joints. He could barely drink or eat, and would aspirate on anything and everything including his own saliva. His speech was to the point no one on the team but the archers and his sister could understand him, if he even had the energy to talk.

He began to sob silently into his fiance's shoulder, barely breathing between tears. How long he'd cried was a mystery, it could've been minutes or hours and he never would've known. The only thing that brought him out of it was a faint slur.

"Clint..." he could've imagined it, it was so quiet.

The archer pulled back, quickly wiping his face on his sleeve. "Hey, baby."

"Why... are you... crying?"

He stifled another sob. "I'm not, I'm fine."

"Tell me. Am dying... not blind." There he was. Still the same punk kid even now. It brought Clint comfort, sometimes he forgot that his Pietro was still in there despite the illness, despite the pain.

And the dam broke. He was sure Wanda could hear it. Katie could hear it. Hell, he wouldn't be suprised if the whole damn tower could hear it. He ranted it all out, all his anguish and frustration with the universe.

Pietro just listened with watery eyes and mumbled apologies. He wished with everything in him to just hold his lover close, to kiss him over and over until the tears stopped. But it was in vain as he just lay still, shirt absorbing the older's sadness. Clint growled as his phone bleeped out the specific tone used for offical avengers business, pulling back and wiping his eyes as he checked the notification.

"Fuck." He sighed heavily. "Emergency meeting. Lemme go get Kate to stay with you, honey."

"Love you." The younger murmured as his lover kissed him softly.

Clint got up, stretching. His back popped as he twisted to the side. "I love you too, roadrunner. Always will."

He left after that, Katie walking in with a blanket and tub of ice cream moments later. "Saw Clint, figured it was one of those days. Wanna laugh at reality tv?"

Pietro hummed in agreement, watching as the black haired woman grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv. She turned on some stupid show about rich people getting upset over minor inconveniences, or at least that was the only plot the sokovian could determine. She spooned small amount of ice cream into his mouth, watching him give a small smile in appreciation. They sat in silence for a while before Kate spoke again.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

He thought for a moment. "Clint is... hurting."

She nodded, fiddling with the spoon in her hand. "Yeah. I wish I could help." She was suddenly very invested in the pattern of her blanket.

"My pain... hurts him. Wish I... could stop it." The frail man sniffled.

She held his hand. "I know, but it's not your fault. You're dying, of course that's gonna hurt the people around you. But it's worth it to be able to know you. You're worth the pain."

"I wish... I could know... you all without... this disease. Could be... with you all... without causing... this pain." He watched Kate's eyes glint with tears. He watched her smile waver.

She gripped his hand a bit tighter. "It's worth it. It's worth it to be your friend."

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